Hospital workers, upgrades and e-Charity

Day 188, 01:21 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"I'm too busy"
-- Everyone who has nothing to do...

If you are 3+ skill in hospitals (pharmacy) and want to work in a great company, which is based on some sort of pills production, please contact mister [a url=]Shadow[/a]

Now finally the news awaited long by our happy customers....
Penis Enlargment-Nation/S-group had finally upgraded to Q2.

After the laboratory and production plant upgrade company will come with new products (you can't even imagine these hours of pleasure)... And I'm proud of myself as I've got the new microscope. Will now give you the best, cause with old one I usually mixed up brands... So I'm sorry if it sometimes worked strange way (look at Michael or Leonardo)...
And that's not the last good thing... but will tell you later about 😉

Coming back to Idea of e-Charity

Some basics you can read [a url=]here[/a]

As it not easy to use funds from city account, I've got suggestions to use my own account for this.. But I'm totally disagree with it, cause it will be possible complaints later, that I'm using funds wrong way or something...

So the idea could be the Simulated organization, but it should work on all eUK territory.. So please let me know what you think of it...

At this time it's all news... (or some hidden left) 🙂