HOPEfully Not

Day 2,016, 03:26 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

HOPE, HOPEing for HOPE. Losing HOPE. HOPEfully not. Alas no HOPE. All I can say is NOPE to HOPE. I personally find it distasteful for them to continue their fake facade of being leftist. For leftist they are not. For being liberators of the people, they are not. HOPE is an Hypocritical with no comprehension on leftist ideals and values. They are very Oppressive and authoritarian. They are Parasitic as they feed on the ignorance as well as the despair of the community. And lastly, they are major Egoist for their only function of all of their actions is to feed their egos and to make themselves feels big. We will look at some quotes of the HOPE leadership to see how HOPEFUL they are.

Their way or the highway

I think this is self explanatory. I mean look at all of their shouting, they are against all parties other than theirs. RB, ATO and UU are "tyrannical." If you read their rhetoric to them only HOPE is true and only HOPE is the community. They are so daft and deluded in their own blindness that they do not see reality. They believe "[HOPE] are still small by numbers; but we have HEART and the SPIRIT, we have DETERMINATION and the COURAGE and finally what we have is the “WINNER’S MENTALITY” deep in us. Cause you can not WIN the race, if you are the LOOSER. Really? Small in numbers? I did not know the second largest party in eBE with 51 members is small in numbers. I thought second largest is a pretty large size but I guess I stand corrected. For maybe they are on to something there. In game size, they might be second largest but actual size is much lower since we know they love MULTI-tasking (if you catch my drift...)

They also believe that they"represent PEOPLE; we care about the PEOPLE; we help PEOPLE and we promote them. OUR people are integral part of us. We are the real PEOPLE’S PARTY." I would like to see some empirical information to that claim. How can you claim that you represent the people when they do not use IRC nor the forums. They made huge effort to boycott the forums and to cut funding as well as spending on social programs like citizen packs. The only spending that HOPE wants to see is for their own private MU. They claimed to pay tax while promoting their own Black/Tax-Free Market To them, the people is them and them alone and no one else.

They tried referendums in the end and they failed each time. It is indeed interest to see a policy change in HOPE. In the past, they tried to justify their actions with some kind of in game vote. Despite it was lame, they for the most part bounded themselves on a form of rigid conduct of referendums. The modern HOPE does not even bother following the ideals of the people's vote. They just do what they want like open borders. The only reason why they pushed for such a reckless policy is their only way to obtain power. Like in this election (which they did not win) they have to cheat with the use of many illegal immigrants and multis to get where they are. They obtain a lot of votes but it is still far from the majority. With time, they want to slowly PTO eBE for they cannot win in a debate. They cannot win the hearts and mind of the eBE community with rhetoric and radicalism alone. Their use of a PTO is a clear sign of desperation and their lack of ideas overall. As Lin0lium puts it "" still no1 ever explained to me, how the pto is illegal? every bloody party does it. don't act like it is any other way. in fact, IOs r much more repressive." They cannot win anything otherwise...


" There are no subscriptions, no reservations and there are is no favoritism whatsoever concerning the Congress seats. I therefore, solemnly declare the EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE H.O.P.E. IS EQUAL."

Mr. Piss's quote here is funny. I do not know the inner politics of HOPE but I can assure you that they do not view all eBEers are equal. They attacked people for their gender, orientation as well as age. They used the word homo and fag very liberally. They laughed at the idea of women should not be presented in a skimpy manner. They justify because they are "macho." The only real HOPE member I see who has the decency to say no to this form of discrimination is Zangatzu-osan. It is indeed strange for "leftist" to harbor such strange attitudes.

Equality is their goal, right? They claim it but they wrote comments like " I had a dream; and in my dream I dreamt about making a new chapter in the history of the eBelgium with the H.O.P.E. political party." If equality is the end goal, it should transcend party politics. It matters now your party is "bigger" or "better" for if you are a true leftist, the society is the main focus. For a classless society does not have things like a party to divide the people. So why does it matter if HOPE is big or not? It is just more hypocrisy from HOPE. But hey, we should expect hypocrisy from HOPE for they are the few socialist that lectures about national pride. In a discussion about eNL and their reason not to make peace with Poland sooner, Mr. Piss commented

" @MaryamQ: It`s about "the National Pride" and to be proud of being Dutch citizen. I see you don`t know really what does it mean; when all the Netherlands is coloured in Oranje colors and they wear they flags. It is love for your country and for your homeland. You have it or you don`t have it. "

I guess HOPE is a National Socialist party. Well I guess this makes perfect sense for it was Vincent Pain who wants Belgium for RL Belgians only. So much for equality. For equality, they seek a homogeneous community with people of the same color, orientation, ideology and creed. They speak of multiculturalism but their deeds and actions suggest they are really homo: "Homocreedal," "Homoracial," and Homogenous. So when they say " We don’t want and we don’t need a POLICE STATE and no INQUISITION. We want our FREEDOM and to enjoy fully our rights given by the Administrators of this game." all we can reply is really? It seems all you want is your views, your vision, your way to do things, and your way or the highway No debate, You just follow HOPE. You are equal as just followers and don't ask questions etc. Rotation system among the leaders and just be "HOPEFUL". Be homogenous and be a yes man and nothing more.

So HOPE, HOFEfully not.

For HOPE is
