Honor or Security?

Day 622, 13:18 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

"What do Canadians valued more. Our morals, or the country itself? On one hand some people think we should do absolutly anything to get Canada back to the way we where before the invasion, you know, the ten provinces, three territories..." that's what Nosyt, CSD Party President, wants to know.

What do you really value? Having Honor will last you forever, you may hope, fight a resistance as much as we can but our honor can never be distinguished. If eCanada does fall, so what? We still have our honor. Many of us have our Canadian Citizenship to hold proud and high. That can never be taken away, unless you want it to. Honor is what Canadians fight for, live for and come on to eRepublik everyday knowing that somehow we will win this war. If we don't, we'll just keep on fighting.

On the other hand, there's security. eRepublik is a game of political strategic war. Some people make think What honor do we have, if we have nothing to show for it (i.e. The Homeland). People of the Government try their hardest everyday to fight back and win our regions back, but do they do it with honor?

Here's what Nosyt had to say: "Personally I think that our honor is more important. We may lose our country now, but some day eventually we will get it back. However the way we got it back will forever be remembered. Hungary is known not only as a powerfully fighting force, but also as a dirty fighter. PEACE uses every dirty trick in the book (heck they wrote most of it ) Which is why, I would rather see Canada disappear for a while, but be remembered as a nation who fought admirably, skillfully and honourably. I know they say all's fair in love and war but a simple saying alone is not enough justification to completely forget our morals. Sure, I think trying to PTO France is acceptable, provided that if we suceed we use this power only for our benifit, and not their suffering. I just think we need to hold onto our morals and honor during war, I don't agree with securing the country at any costs. For example, if sticking by the allies whom have done so much for us means our certain destruction, then we don't abandon them, even if it puts our honor above the countries security. The truth is, the country is made by the people, not how we look on the map. If we are willing to corrupt ourselves just for the sake of having Canada as a whole again, then we lose who we are as a country." (As quoted)

Nosyt makes a very good point, Honor is something we should hold onto with every action we take. Security is something we should worry about game-wise but at the some time, fighting for our own security with honor.

"hon⋅or; Pronunciation [on-er] –noun
1. honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.

se⋅cu⋅ri⋅ty; Pronunciation [si-kyoor-i-tee] –noun
1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.

While security is a good thing to have, it can be taken away, it can be an illusion. Honor is something gained that can never be taken away and is never an illusion. We will fight till there is nothing left to call our home. And even then we will fight on, if not for our country for our allies. For we will be victorious with honor or not victorious at all!" as said by Yodayar.

What do you think is more important? Honor or Security?

Artorius Perim

Note: I would like to thank Nosyt, CSD Party President for allowing me to publish his thoughts and Yodayar for his well put definition of honor. Thank you, to you both.