Holodomor. We remember. We know.

Day 1,468, 14:36 Published in Poland Ukraine by H U N T E R

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So, this is the blocked article:

The Holodomor (literal translation Killing by hunger or murder by hunger or starvation) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR between 1932 and 1933.

The reasons for the famine are a subject of scholarly and political debate. Some scholars suggest that the famine was a consequence of the economic problems associated with economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization.

1. From 18 November 1932 peasants from Ukraine were required to return extra grain they had previously earned for meeting their targets. State police and party brigades were sent into these regions to root out any food they could find.
2. Two days later, a law was passed forcing peasants who could not meet their grain quotas to surrender any livestock they had.
3. Eight days later, collective farms that failed to meet their quotas were placed on "blacklists" in which they were forced to surrender 15 times their quota. These farms were picked apart for any possible food by party activists. Blacklisted communes had no right to trade or to receive deliveries of any kind, and became death zones.
4. On 5 December 1932, Stalin's security chief presented the justification for terrorizing Ukrainian party officials to collect the grain. It was considered treason if anyone refused to do their part in grain requisitions for the state.
5. In November 1932 Ukraine was required to provide 1/3 of the grain collection of the entire Soviet Union. As Lazar Kaganovich put it, the Soviet state would fight "ferociously" to fulfill the plan.
6. In January 1933 Ukraine's borders were sealed in order to prevent Ukrainian peasants from fleeing to other republics. By the end of February 1933 approximately 190,000 Ukrainian peasants had been caught trying to flee Ukraine and were forced to return to their villages to starve.
7. The collection of grain continued even after the annual requisition target for 1932 was met in late January 1933.

Death toll:

1. There were over 10,000,000 victims of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933
2. At the height of the Genocide Ukrainians were dying at a rate of 25,000 per day.
3. Nearly 1 in 4 rural Ukrainians perished as a direct result.
4. Over 3,000,000 children born between 1932-1933 died of starvation.

One of first international news about The Holodomor:

Countries which officially recognize holodomor as an act of genocide:

Ukraine Remembers, the World Recognizes

Legal Accountability for the Crime of 1932-1933 Great Famine (the Holodomor) in Ukraine

Ukrainian eUniversity remember the crimes of Soviet regimen.

Ця стаття була присвячена жертв страшного геноциду, в якому загинуло багато родичі і близьких гравців гри.Стаття була опублікована як меморіал,і викладена для того щоб увесь світ з нею ознайомився. Вона мала більш ніж 700 голосів та 400 коментарів.
В даній статті нікого не звинувачували, окрім тоталітарного режиму СРСР. Країни,якої зараз не існує на карті світу.

В свою чергу видаляючи цю статтю вони:
1. Порушують пункт гри про образи
-образивши честь і гідність,не тільки автора статті,але й людей які втратили своїх рідних в результаті геноциду українського народу.
- звинувачуєте безпідставно автора у расизмі,Оскільки автор не тільки не закликав до міжнаціональної ворожнечі,але й у своїй статті показував до чого призвдить расизм.

2. Порушують пункт про расизм,оскільки видаливши статтю,це розцінюється як те що,ви підтримуєте дії по відношенню до України і Українського народу. І гравці побачивши що ця стаття видалена. Будуть розцінювати це як належне і будуть ображати українців як брехунів і знущатись над нашими цінностями.