Hola España, es maravilloso estar aquí!

Day 661, 13:34 Published in Russia Austria by Alex Lorre

So I've been watching the currency market a lot lately, trying to figure out the best countries to work in to get the most profit in gold and still be able to get fighting. After seeing today that there were no resistances against Russia (where I was since it has by far the best currency) and also noticing that there was no training war AND seeing that the attacks on the U.S. are actually going to be a real fight perhaps (just reading the wall at the time) I decided I needed to move so I could still fight without contributing to imperialist causes. So I pulled up erepublik.ws and got on the currency charts and started looking for good places to go that I could fight in for the freedom of other nations while not undermining my profits (yes it disgusts me to care about such things but I have some big goals for those profits so I stomach it).

Well what do you know? Spain has one of the best currencies below PEACE giants! And what else do you know about Spain? It is allied with America! So after comparing product prices and wages and seeing not too much of a gap in what I was making I decided to board a plane for Spain right away!

Only there was a problem... Spain is at war with Russia... And I had foolishly bought 2 q1 foods and a q1 gun today before even assessing the war situation... I was out of money... with only 1 ticket... so, venting furiously at myself, I went and bought some more Russian currency (don't care what it's called 😛) totaling a stupid .29 Gold. While that isn't a lot, I'm trying not to waste money since I did that frequently as my former self, and when you could've not wasted gold buying a currency for a country you are trying to leave you tend to view that as a waste. Anyway I got it done, bought another ticket, shipped over to the nicely neutral country of Malaysia, (did some partying), and then jetted off to Spain!

So here I am 5 fights in Kentucky later and 20 damage til I gain a rank, sitting in Asturias, Spain, chilling with the locals who I can't really understand all that well but who are at least on my side, writing this article that has no real point other than to tell anyone who cares my pathetic story of how I came to be in Spain, which I could have just as easily covered in a shout "HOLA ESPANA!"

Thanks for listening.