Hola! [CA/EN]

Day 2,039, 15:50 Published in Spain Cyprus by Dr. Packesel

El meu nom es Dr. Packesel.

Soc un Franco-Germanic vivint a Catalunya. He decidit venir a eEspanya per donar suport a Catalunya en el millor que puga.

El meu hobby preferit es anar a partits de futbol deñ F.C. Barcelona i Athletic Bilbao.

Estimo Catalunya. Espero que siguem eCatalunya al 2014.


My Name is Dr. Packesel. I'm a French-german living in catalonia. I've decided to come to eSpain to support my Catalonia as the best as I can. My favorite hobby is going to football matches from F.C. Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao. I love Catalonia. I hope ther will be a eCatalonia soon at last in 2014.

Thank you and good bye,