Hitchhikers Guide To The United Kingdom

Day 391, 17:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy
Announcing The Hitchhikers Guide To The United Kingdom.

This is for all the new people that have recently joined the United Kingdom, for all the people that are lost within the vast complexities of Erepublik and for all the people thinking there is nothing more to this game than working and training.


When you set foot in Erepublik for the first time it can be very confusing for a lot of people. There are lots of areas on the User Interface which can become very confusing very quickly as the in-game tutorial is rather ambiguous at best. Whilst it attempts to make up for that with the wiki, there's nothing quite like the personal touch of a helping hand - which is what this guide will hopefully be for you.

First 5 Actions

There are 5 things that every single new citizen should do to maximise the potential enjoyment and re-playability of Erepublik; here is that very list:

1. Find a Job. - This might sound rather tedious but it is of the utmost importance that you get a job quickly in Erepublik. Why is this, you ask? Well, firstly, with a job, you're given a wage; this in turn allows you to purchase food and other such necessities. Your citizen has a health bar, called wellness in Erepublik, if it drops to 0 you die, which is bad. Very bad.

To get a job simply hover over the Market Button in the main horizontal navigation menu and click Human Resources. This will give you a list of all available jobs on offer in your chosen country. Now, don't get excited because you've found a job that pays £10. Your skill will be 0, so to find jobs for this skill level simply click on the middle box directly under the "Human Resources" Title and select 0 - 0.99 this will show you all job offers available for people with skill 0 - 0.99.

2. Learn The User Interface - This may sound simple for those of you who frequently play games, but for a lot of people it can be a rather tedious process.
To survive in Erepublik, you'll need to keep your wellness above 1. Eating food every day is generally the best way of doing this. To buy food, hover over the "Market" button and click on "Market Place". Click the left box under the "Market" title and select food. You'll now have a list of all available food. Make sure you buy some!

Food is eaten automatically! - It's not made very clear and some of you might be struggling to understand this simple feature of the game, so don't worry if you can't find a "Consume Food" button!

The other links are fairly self explanatory but some require an explanation or special mention.

The media page, which shows you the latest and most popular national articles, (written by other users), as well as the worlds most popular articles, can be found by hovering over Community and click Media. It can also be found in a lesser form on the Home page, but shows less articles. (You should already know this, but still!).

My Places is also an important link as it contains the links to every citizen activity in Erepublik such as working, training for the army and managing a country, (if you're a Congressman but more on that later.)

3. Choose A Career Path - Now, in the eUK there are two very distinct paths to choose from where it is only possible to advance fully in one, not both. Politics and Military.


In the current realm of politics, you have several different positions of which you can fulfil, each position grants particular powers and allows you to help change Britain for better or for worse.

President - This is obviously the equivalent of Prime Minister. Elections are held on the 5th of each month. Presidential Candidates are proposed by the leader of each Political Party. Being the President allows you to propose a war and vote on most congress proposals.

Congress - Congress is the equivalent of UK Parliament, or some form of mutated version of parliament, at least. Elections are held on the 25th of each month. Being a Congressmen gives you the power to propose laws and funding to organisations.

Party President - The Party President is the equivalent of a Leader of a party in the UK. Party President Elections are held on the 15th of every month. Being the Party President (often shortened to PP), allows you to propose a Presidential Candidate, you're also given the power to alter the party's congressman list.

Ministries - There are many industries within Britain that deal with every aspect of Government policy from the Ministry of Defence; dealing with the British Army, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; dealing with foreign politics to the Ministry of Education, Work, Information, Health and more. These positions are open to Congressmen only. Each Minister is allowed one Under Minister and as many Apprentices as they require - these do not need to be members of Congress.


The current realm of the military is a lot simpler than its political counter-part. Joining up with the army will see you being fully supported by the British Government; with free weapons, gifts, moving tickets and in some cases wellness packs. As a soldier of the British Army you will be expected to be able to leave the country and fight for Britain at a moments notice.

Royal Navy - The Royal Navy is a newly formed branch of the British Military Forces. It is designed to allow anyone and everyone to get involved, regardless of their strength or rank. This is the perfect choice for those looking to being their military career.

Royal Guard - The Royal Guards consist of some of the strongest soldiers in Britain. Placement is dependant on your strength. You'll need to have strength 3 or higher to join.

Elite Paratroopers - The Elites consist of the strongest and most highly ranked soldiers in the British Army. To join, you must of be of strength 6 or higher.

4. Visit the British Erepublik Website @ www.erepublik.co.uk - This website has a whole host of information freely available to any citizen of Erepublik. As well as information, this website also hosts the largest and most popular external Erepublik forums; The UK National Forums. With over 250 registered and unregistered members viewing every day this is 'the' place to be if you want to become at all involved in the running of the UK.

Almost every government decision is made, discussed and voted on within these very forums, it's not just for the Government though it has many other uses such as the private Political Party Forums, economic, military and public discussion and much, much more.

For any budding journalists, you might want to check this out; http://news.erepublik.co.uk - This is the home of the British Media Association. A new community project recently started by myself to bring about a new media source for everyone. If you're interested, send a PM to Squiddy asking for more information.

5. Join a Political Party - Joining a political party is more like joining a small community - it's not so much about the politics rather than the combined effort for betterment of the United Kingdom. Depending on what you want to do each of the top party's have their own positives and negatives.

Top Party's by Member Count

United Kingdom Reform Party - UKRP - The UKRP are by far the largest party in the UK and have won the last three Presidential Elections. They are classified as a Central Right Wing Party.

Peoples Communist Party - PCP - PCP are the second largest party in the UK but has recently struggled due to members leaving for the newly formed Australia. They are classified as a Left Wing Party.

The Unity Party - TUP - TUP are the third largest party in the UK and are gaining members at an increasingly rapid rate. They have suffered in the past and still are from a lack of active and dedicated politicians but this is now changing. They are classified as a Central Left Wing Party.

Movement For Democratic Unity - MDU - MDU are by far the smallest of the 4 party's but punch well above their weight and are also gaining members at an incredibly fast rate. They are classified as a Central Right Wing Party.

A quick note to any would be politicians, Party wings, be it left or right, play a very minimal role within the world of Erepublik so don't rule out a certain party because it's not listed with the same political views as you. Also, don't forget you must be level 7 before you can join a party, but that does not stop you from joining your desired party's forums!

And that's it. Follow this guide and you will go far in the world of Erepublik!

I hope everyone has found this guide useful and a little different than compared to the other guides. If anyone reading this is still stuck and needs help then don't hesitate to contact me and I will personally make time to help you out 🙂


Squiddy - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Party President of The Unity Party, Member of Congress and Director of Zycon Industries.