History of USA: US-Canadian War

Day 593, 09:03 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto

USA, day 593 of the New World

Read this article carefully:

US-Canadian War:

Rumblings were heard from a decent bit of the US population that they wanted to test the war module, and that the US should pick a target. During this period, the US worked out the Pan-American agreement with the countries south of its borders, leaving Canada as the only possible target. Canada's population at the time was small, with an active population even smaller, and it was thought that the US would easily be able to conquer Canada. Doing so would expand its borders and solve many of its current economic issues relating to deflation and necessity. Preparations began on March 24, 2008 for the ill-fated attack on Manitoba.

The United States Department of Defense, founded and led by Dishmcds (who later became the third President), had been organizing itself for some time, dating back to the second week of January. While the US had a relatively small active population, most of the military was in the form of Mobile Defense Teams, or MDTs as they were called. When the order was given, they were moved to St Paul, MN as a base for attack, and ordered to attack Manitoba. By taking Manitoba, strategically it would have cut Ontario off from the rest of the country, leaving only Quebec as its main support.

The release of the war module was delayed from March 28th (original planned date) to April 7th to allow for elections to process. They released the official wiki guide on the war module just a couple of days before the war, which changed the entire outlook for the US. While they still focused on Manitoba, the defending country as well as the attacking country were allowed to enter conflict anywhere there was an open battlefield. This negated the obvious advantage the US would have had in strategic planning on the Canadian capital.

The US initially canceled the proposal for war that President Saikiliah sent due to a bug in the MPP section of eRepublik that indicated that Canada had an MPP with Sweden. Once it was confirmed that Sweden and Canada were not allied, President Saikiliah sent forth another proposal to invade Canada. It was approved 22 to 5.

With the additional three days leeway, Canada was able to muster quite a bit of international support. Volunteers and countries both sent troops to Canada, the reasons for which have been disputed. Some say it's because they were supporting a nation's inherent right to sovereignty, others will say it's because they wanted to test out the war module. Either way, the US's clear advantage in population decreased severely, from an initial advantage of more than 400 to less than 200. Combined with the defense bonus (which was adjusted mid-war during an admin-ordered cease fire), Canada did very well in defending it's own provinces, as well as threatening several US regions. The US President, Nave Saikiliah, spent most of the last battle in Manitoba severely damaging the health of Canadian soldiers in an effort to force the cease fire.

Overall, the Canadian war shaped the future's for both countries in very different ways. Once a peace agreement was made between President Saikiliah and President Faltnor, both countries were forced in opposite directions. The US went under a time of turmoil, as indicated by the resignation of long standing Secretary of Defense Dishmcds to the secession of Hawaii to become its own independent Nation. Ironically, Former President King was the Mayor of Honolulu during the attempt, and its validity is still scrutinized. Officially, Hawaii is still recognized as a region under the govern of the United States.


This was the first major conflict in eRepublik. USA, encouraged by the fact the president of Canada at that time, Faltnor, had very few appearances in public and willing to test their military strength, declared war full of confidence. After 14 days of war, the result was a draw because of the many freedom fighters who joined Canada in search for action and fame. Another interesting fact was this war triggered a chain of events that lead to Canada being one of the most active countries in eRepublik.

Legends say that lots of Citizens died in this war and that regions of USA were highly disputed by the two sides. During the initial stages the USA had the greatest advantage taking the many of the Canadian's regions in the first day, these where eventually recovered and after a short ceasefire only one Canadian region remained in USA hands. this was the region of Manitoba that was eventually recovered by the Canadians and many International Forces after intense fighting in one of the bloodiest battles in eRepublik History. A peace treaty was signed between the USA and Canada the day after the battle.

The USA-Canada War was one of the first wars in eRepublik and ended April 26, 2008 after 15 days.

@Bugs & glitches

This war was the first sighting of many bugs an glitches of which many were abused by both countries, and they began before the war even started.

On the initial declaration of war, a bug in the Mutual Protection Pacts page showed Sweden as an ally to Canada, which they denounced. It did, however cause the US to cancel it's declaration and gave Canada another 3 days to gather troops and freedom fighters from throughout the world.

One of the more problematic bugs allowed a fallen soldier to use a hospital multiple times increasing wellness to 100 for every battle. The admins called a cease fire to repair this bug among others, which lasted roughly a week. Once the war resumed, battlefields opened and closed on both sides of the border.

One bug even had Canadians fighting Canadians in their own territory at one point.

The war module has gone through constant update and repair since the US/Canadian war, which was the first war of real consequence to test it.

@How It ended

On April 26, 2008, The Canadian President (Faltnor), The American President (Nave saikilah) and John Wilkmot (Canadian serving as the "middle man") entered peace talks over MSN. Before this day the two presidents had spoken but both demanded unreasonale things and could not come to an agreement. Talks continued for about a hour, mostly composed of insulting and arguing before agreeing on the terms (with no small part to John Wilkmot's persuasion on both sides). The terms became an end to the war and a 3 month NAP and no money offered on either side to stop it. After they had agreed on the terms, Nave finally agreed to also give 100 gold, but only if it remained a private matter. Faltnor then told Derick Braham (another canadian) secretly and and the fact quickly spread through both sides.

@Important People

Faltnor, Nave Saikilah, John Wilkmot, Derick Braham, det john kimble, Dishmcds, Uncle Sam, Albert Ainstain

Read Also:
History of USA ~ The King Years
History of USA ~ Pre-Canadian War

For New Citizens:
Wellness System
Forfeit Points

Best regards,
Nero Preto ~ press director of The New World Times
