History of USA: The King Years

Day 589, 06:25 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto

USA, day 589 of the New World

Read this great story carefully.

The King Years

The United States of America was founded with all the other original countries in late November of 2007. While much of its early beginnings were based in chaos, as none of its inhabitants were familiar with Erepublik or its functions, several people rose to prominence rather quickly. Initially, the largest Political Party in the US was the Democratic Party. There was some uncertainty with who would lead it, and purely by accident Korbin King was in the Party President's seat come time for the General Elections.

Korbin carried much of an isolationist policy for his terms in office, with high taxes for imports and low taxes for VAT. The population of the United States struggled for much of the early time, and as a result the US was left with a small but active group of citizens for its first population boom, which occurred in mid January. It was during Korbin's first term in office when the ideas such as banks and the Federal Reserve were implemented, although much more effectively by Kaleb, the President of the United Kingdom. Along with those, the US also had one of the first official Presidential Cabinets, comprised of Dishmcds as the Secretary of Defense, Platonic as the Economic Advisor, and Jack as his Foreign Relations Advisor.

Because of low tax levels, population, and isolationism the US also struggled with raising the value on the treasury. Another prominent individual, Platonic, was the economic advisor during those times, but Korbin's policies on gold exchange left the National Treasury barren for the most part trying to stimulate activity.

One of his last projects while serving as the President was dubbed "Project Two Birds" to stimulate the Nation's Healthcare system. While it was unsuccessful in its initial try, it was later reinstated (albeit slightly modified), which is one of the reasons the US has one of the best overall Healthcare systems in the world.

King left office at the end of January, amid criticism on his economic policies. After he retired, he became Mayor of Honolulu until his death in May of 2008. The Q3 Hospital in Honolulu, which King paid for by selling his companies, has been enshrined as the Korbin King Memorial Q3 Treatment Center.

~ This story is dedicated for new citizens that might not know about the past years.
~ You could read it at: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/United_States_of_America/History

Kind regards,
Nero Preto ~ press director of The New World Times

Sources: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/United_States_of_America/History