History of eFinland: Reforms, Conquests and Domestic Issues

Day 732, 04:59 Published in Finland Finland by avec
Okkius, The Divine and Muscular President of Finland

March presidential elections caused a stir in Finnish party politics. The factions of the last month's coalition accused Red Jihad of breaking the coalition, because Okkius Pyromanius applied for presidency again, but this month from the ranks of Liberaali Edistyspuolue. In reality the parties in the coalition were committed only to give support to a common presidential candidate, which is what Red Jihad actually did in these elections: they supported Engram from IKP for president, who was also supported by Suomen Sosialistinen Puolue. The elections of that month were the most intense in the history of Finland. Okkius won his opponent Engram by only four votes, the total vote count being 205 to 201 votes.

During Okkius' term ambassadors were re-introduced, and weekly reports from them were to be published in the government newspaper. As new offices, Okkius set up the Ministry of Education and Culture, which was tasked to create and upkeep a tutorial for new players in the forums and to answer to questions which trouble new players trying to find their spot in the community. Okkius also founded the Ministry of Immigration to create a recruiting message as neutral as possible to recruit new players to Finland. During Okkius' term Finland's first Q5 hospital was finished and placed in Aland.

The reforms in Okkius' term did not end here - by congress initiative the military was reformed, which led to creation of a new branch to the armed forces. Nicknamed 'Hätäisen Toiminnan Joukot' (Hasty Deployment Force), the new unit was a place for common people to participate in military operations and learn basic fighting tactics. After a rough start and training sessions, HTJ began participating in real global conflicts, offering experiences to newly recruited soldiers from the ranks of ordinary people. The congress also decided on dividing congressmen into ministries as apprentices based on their own wishes to learn the function of ministers and to help in handling small routine tasks. This procedure was meant to raise activity among congressmen, but it did not continue in the next month.

It was seen that during the ANVIL'09 military exercise weapons were quickly sold out from the market, and that their price rose to intolerable levels when the battles were on. This caused the congress to agree on setting up a national weapons company for the military in order to create a weapons stock in case of Finland being attacked.

World in fire - Finland expanding her borders?

Discussion about invading Estonia as soon as it'd be added to the game continued during Okkius' term. The motive for conquering Estonia was to get the 1,000 G new countries get as a starting fee to the Finns, or to gain a high RM region for Finland. Besides normal people, the congress also debated the issue, and pros and cons of the plan were carefully weighed. For example, it was pondered would an attack cause Estonia to join PEACE. After Estonia was added, it was finally decided that instead of attacking, gaining good and friendly relations with Estonians would be a better approach.

The war between Romania and Indonesia at the time kept the government busy. Borders of the countries around the world moved daily: at one point Indonesia even bordered Finland. Besides the two countries, also other countries took advantage of the chaos and attacked almost randomly against each other. The war was called the second World War, and in this war Finland proved its loyalty time after another by helping their allies the best they could. With his closest ministers, Okkius stayed awake several nights, discussing war plans with their allies, almost burning himself out.

The night before April '09 elections, Finland and Norway agreed on Finland taking possession of three Norwegian regions from Norway: Nord-Norge, Leningrad-Oblast and Moscow Region. The aim was to protect Norway from the Political Take Over it had suffered, and just minutes before the election day was over, the regions were swapped to Finland. Furious of this, Norway's goon president instantly attacked Moscow which Finland had just taken, but after an intense battle, Finland managed to keep the region under her custody. Also an attack on Nord-Norge was dispelled, and later the region was transferred to Swedish possession.

Domestic Trouble

April '09 elections ended with Simppa from Sininen Puolue winning the race against Gabriel Lavanche with 158-153 votes. His government faced massive negative spin since the start of the term. Many of his ministers resigned on the first week, tired of the political landscape in Finland and left for greener pastures in other countries. Many of those who left came back later though to help Finland survive the loss of experienced politicians.

The consequences of occupying Russian regions came evident on April, as a foreigner applied for Party President in Suomen Sosialistinen Puolue (Finnish Socialistic Party). After the elections were over, the hype over a foreign candidate proved to be false, but the incident and what was done to prevent a PTO proved that despite internal conflicts, Finns were able to overcome their hatred and unite against an outside threat.

The threat of a hostile PTO gave way for a discussion to create a Scandinavian Union - an idea to merge Finland, Sweden and Norway under a common flag. The matter was discussed and debated to great lengths in Finnish forums. Those who opposed the idea based their arguments on nationalism - according to them Finland would no longer be Finland, if it was annexed to Sweden. Sweden was considered to be the best host country because of its stable currency. The language issue trouble people too - would the Swedes be willing to use English as the administrative language, or would they push Swedish articles into top rated just because? In reality at that time the amount of actives was roughly the same in Finland, Sweden and Norway, so all three countries would have had the same chances to get involved in politics and media.

Those who argued for the union, based their arguments on political stability: if three countries were to be united under one flag, the probability of a successful, hostile PTO would lower significantly. Norway had already experienced a PTO, and Finland had experienced the widespread panic caused by a foreign candidate in elections. The down side of the union was thought to be regional defence: if Finland's or Norway's original regions were to be attacked, Swedish MPPs would not be triggered. Resistance Wars started by enemy soldiers were also considered to be a problem. Finland prepared for a PTO in April congress elections by instating expletive candidates in otherwise empty regions.

To further complicate issues, logs leaked from a meeting of Isänmaallinen Kansanpuolue (Patriotic People's Party) showed that the party leadership had sworn to defend their ideal of resisting the Scandinavian Union by asking for help from PEACE to attain power. The matter caused a massive stir amongst the populace, and Scandinavian Union was buried.

The last drop in the ocean during April's incidents was the sudden disappearance of the President himself. To replace him for the rest of the month, Gabriel Lavanche was chosen as Vice President. He was seen as the best choice, because despite he had left Finland early in the month, he was still an active participant in Finnish politics.

Coming up next: The fall of ATLANTIS and the Latvian war campaign