History of eFinland: Era of reconstruction

Day 730, 06:52 Published in Finland Finland by avec
Reconstruction of Finland

After regaining her independence, Finland resembled a barren wasteland. Getting the economy and political infrastructure up and running required most of the effort, but luckily Finland had experienced politicians already back then, whose co-operation and hard work slowly paid effort.

During Scadens' term as president on December 2008 several memorable and long-term decisions were made. For example the future of NTJ was thought up, construction of hospitals was started and relations with ATLANTIS countries were built in order to one day become a member. Scadens is especially remembered of his ”slip” on the first day in office, when a phone call between him and the President of Sweden almost caused a full-blown war between Finland and Sweden. There was no real danger however, and the situation was laughed upon already in the same evening. During Scadens' term the nationalistic party called Isänmaallinen Kansanpuolue (Patriotic People's Party) succeeded in negotiating the 500 Gold back to Finland which SeeDub, former President of Finland had taken from Finland's treasury into custody just before Finland had been conquered by Norway.

The reconstruction effort continued in January 2009, when Pete1 from Liberaali Edistyspuolue (Liberal Advancement Party) was elected as president. Since December Finland had been building good relations with her neighbours Sweden and, even her former oppressor, Norway. The military buildup Finland had experienced divided the nation in half, and invading Karelia (the region of Leningrad-Oblast) was a main theme in both December and January CP elections. During Pete1's term the government began issuing official announcements in the media, and the first government campaign to support import licenses started. One negative event during Pete1's term was the destruction of one Q4 hospital in a fire, but luckily no personnel casualties occurred.

Karelia back! Finland joins ATLANTIS

As stated before, the right-wing party IKP wanted to conquer Leningrad-Oblast, which was under Norwegian rule at the time. Leningrad-Oblast is a region where Karelia is located, an area which RL Finland lost during WW2 to the Soviet Union. The invasion of this region was justified by peoplehood, revenge to Russia, and possible baby boom which the conquest of Karelia would bring. Those who objected the idea were at least as vocal as the proponents, and they claimed that relations with Norway which had taken much effort should not be thrown away by a totally futile conquest war, and buying the region was not an option because of the worthlessness of the region.

In the end Finland did not attack Karelia, but instead one of the world's two military alliances, ATLANTIS, accepted Finland as its member on 4th January. The decision to apply for membership was a natural choice for Finland, because her neighbours, Norway and Sweden also belonged to ATLANTIS. NTJ, which had improved hugely during Pete1's term in terms of organisation and logistics, began participating in ATLANTIS military operations against PEACE GC forces. NTJ soon became one of the most known military units in the world because of its well organised co-ordinated strikes.

An Era of Steady Growth

On the presidential elections of February 2009 three very different parties made a coalition to back a common candidate: Isänmaallinen Kansanpuolue (Nationalistic People's Party), Sininen Puolue (The Blue Party) and Red Jihad supported Okkius Pyromanius for president, while his opponents were Erwin Schauman from Liberaali Edistyspuolue (Liberal Advancement Party) and Jumala from Suomen Sosialistinen Puolue (Finnish Socialistic Party). The president of Finland for February was to be Erwin Schauman who is known for his vast network of foreign contacts.

One feat Erwin Schauman is known for is the founding of Ministry of Lulz, which' goal was to set up competitions and fun for the frost-bitten nation. Also the builders of Finland, who had paid money from their own pocket to get Finland up and running were acknowledged by government paid back the loan it had received from them earlier. During Erwin's term the congressional code of conduct was written up and placed on congress hallways, and Ministry of Finance began monitoring its income and spending in more detail.

Congress activity became an issue during February, when a visiting reporter revealed that most of the congressmen slept through congress sessions, leaving the work to be done only to a few active members. There was discussion to grant everyone right to participate in congress debates as well as to form a second chamber to the congress, but neither of the ideas were implemented in practice.

The same as nowadays, people complained about the acute boredom in Finland. Erwin Schauman gained popularity by initiating the ANVIL'09 multinational military exercise with Norway. Citizens who had long been inactive were finally let to fight in a battle, and where else than in Karelia, against the Norwegians for the first time since independence wars.

Coming up next: Okkius, the Divine and Muscular President of Finland