History lesson and progress report 2.

Day 1,044, 11:04 Published in Czech Republic Serbia by Re_Niew

Dear commies,

I guess you've been here for not so much time as you don't know anything about Pirates of Northern Bohemia. Shame on you, that was a symbol of resistance against Slovakia.
I found the original article about it, here it is: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/pirates-of-northern-bohemia-1403560/1/20

The article was written by Frank Zafka, one of the biggest RL non-czechs in the eCzech history. Hard-working and correct aims-the 2 most important things about him. I offer his article to everyone to realise what does PNB really mean.

Besides, I'm happy to say that our cavalry teams managed to get through the walls of Alpha Moonbase so at the moment, our forces are fighting inside the town. In my opinion, we'll win the battle in 12 hours, so tomorrow will be a day of celebration!