His Majesty's Armed Forces and the Irish Army

Day 1,240, 06:12 Published in USA Iran by helia 14
Hello readers,

A recent debate that has seen a lot light is the comparison between HMAF and the Irish Army. This article is going to be an unbiased portrayal of the facts. You can make your own decisions about the superior system.

The Irish Army.

The idea.

The key concept and underlying ideal of the Irish Army is simplicity and centralisation.

The structure.
The Irish Army has no squads, no divisions, no separated Air Force or Navy. It is entirely one entity, the 'Irish Army'. There are also only two ranks - soldier and commander.

Soldiers are merely those who sign up. When you sign up, sign up as a soldier. Many will remain a soldier their entire career. There is no reward for loyalty to the army, only rewards for activity and intelligence.

As previously stated, soldiers are not (in theory) promoted on how long thy have been with the army or how loyal they are. The criteria for promotion are activity, hard work, and competence. New command members are chosen by the current command, ensuring that only military professionals choose the new military professionals. Removal from command works in the same way, as if somebody is not pulling their weight, command as a whole votes to eject them.

Minister of Defence.
The Minister of Defence is appointed by the President each term. There is a strong sense of 'no politics in the military' in Ireland, and the Minister of Defence has no say over the structuring of the army or promotions/demotions from command. He does, however, set orders that the Irish Army are compelled to follow. As one Irishman put it to me 'The Minister of Defence aims the gun and Command makes sure the gun fires'.

Chief of Staff.
The Chief of Staff is the most important man in the military. He is normally assigned by the President, albeit only once every three months. The position was made to stop constant reorganisation of the military after every election, a problem Ireland previously had. The Chief of Staff keeps tabs on putting workers in the right companies, setting command members their jobs, and the other boring, necessary admin work.