Hey the Aussie Military does exist

Day 650, 12:42 Published in Australia Australia by Cerridwen Voeland

Hey you boys do love me 😃😃😃

WOW...I must admit...I am impressed. Wave some weapons at you and you come to life 😛

I had a few of people complain at the beginning that there is no point, the top ranked squad in each branch will win. But no surprises, the squads that did the most damage were the ones that kept posting damage.


Alpha 6568 points of damage
Bravo 2650 points of damage
Delta 10522 points of damage

Alpha and Bravo did a decent hit of damage to start, but no follow through! Guys....where's your staying power?? Congratulations Dropbear Delta squad - Every member who posted their damage totals by the Friday deadline will take a share in the 8 q4 weapons (since I can't really win myself...thats two each boys)


Hotel 1044 points of damage
Echo 9953 points of damage

Although Hotel squad put up a valiant start with 1044 points of damage they too lacked stamina, leaving Echo Squad to romp it in with a staggering 9953 points of damage! This is an impressive effort, considering the damage was done by only two squad members -thats four weapons each guys!. Persistence is never futile


Alpha 303 points of damage
Bravo 5370 points of damage
Delta 608 points of damage

Alpha with only one and Delta with two active members started well but were left for dust by Bravo with three consistently active members. Two q4 weapons to each member of AAR Bravo squad who posted their damage before the deadline.

To those of you who didn't post your damage? you let your squad down...may they torment you mercilessly. To the rest of you who tried, I wish i could afford weapons for you all...but frankly your sending me broke 😒

Well, hopefully you were worth the investment - be active, be competitive, enjoy!

Hmmm.......I wonder which squads can do the most damage between now and when I get back? Now that would be interesting....

Love You All