Hey Romania [RO]

Day 876, 11:22 Published in Romania Romania by James Strife
Hey Romania,

I know that tensions between eRomania and the eUS have been stressed and tested recently with the eUS withdrawal from EDEN, but there is no reason for us to go down separate paths.

Ever since day 1 for me, Romania has always been a strong and reliable ally. My first real battle was the American assault on FER, which was launched to alleviate the stress from Indonesian and Hungarian assaults on Romanian regions. Romania has always been a nation with the strongest soldiers person for person.

Despite the eUS leaving EDEN, the eUS supports Romania and if our relationship remains unchecked it could fracture. We owe it to ourselves to work towards strengthening our alliance regardless of what bumps may occur.



James Strife

Deputy Secretary of State: Europe

aka. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs: Europe

Translated by Calinovb.

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Salut, Romania,

Stiu ca relatiile dintre eRomania si eUS au fost tensionate in ultima perioada, mai ales odata cu retragerea eUS din EDEN, dar asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa rupem definitiv relatiile.

Inca din prima mea zi din joc, Romania a fost mereu un aliat puternic si de incredere. Prima mea batalie adevarata a fost atacul american asupra FER, care a fost pornit in incercarea de a elibera Romania de sub presiunea atacurilor Indoneziei si Ungariei. Romania a fost intotdeauna una din natiunile cu cei mai puternici soldati.

In ciuda faptului ca eUS a parasit EDEN, eUS sustine Romania, si ar fi pacat ca relatiile dintre noi sa fie ignorate si sa se destrame. Ne datoram noua insine sa incercam sa depunem eforturi pentru a intari alianta dintre noi, ndiferent de problemele care pot aparea.



James Strife

Vice MoFA: Europa