Hey Malaysia

Day 550, 12:55 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

Well I have some thing to talk about, so let's start.

First of all: The national forum.

I would like to remind everyone in Malaysia to join our national forum. The forum was created by the Malaysian Action Party and it's active every day.
Also as the Malaysian center for politics, the government and the congress it's extremly vital that you are there, especially if you want to work within politics.

After that I would like to remind you of Tentera Darat Malaysia - the army of Malaysia.

As Malaysia grow each day we need an army and our army (Tentera Darat Malaysia) is currently searching for new soldiers and new member which are ready to fight for Malaysia then it's needed.
Sadly our economy ain't in such great shape so we can send of our soldiers on training or such, but still we stand to defend the border of Malaysia if such is needed.

Therefore I would like to recommend you to sign-up to the army today.

And now: the election tomorrow.

Okey, as I (partly) represent Malaysian Action Party which is lead by our President Vikta, I would like to recommend Malaysian Action Party then you vote tomorrow.
Our party have since day 1 fought for a better Malaysia.

We have during our time as party fought the Koalisi Malaysia and we managed to keep them away from the Malaysian gold 5 times, before we had no other choice then to let it go.
We have under our time developed the Malaysian wiki, an [url=irc://irc.rizon.net/erepublik.my]Malaysian IRC[/url] and the National Forum of Malaysia.
We have under our time as a party had the most successful president (Vikta) in the history of Malaysia.

This is proof of the effort and work which Malaysian Action Party have put in to Malaysia during our few months as a Nation, and therefore I ask you to place your vote on a safe party, on Malaysian Action Party.

- The Malaysian Action Party wiki
- The Malaysian Action Party sub-forum

Minister of Defence Gustavius - Malaysian Action Party.