Hey look! A Congressional Platform!

Day 1,218, 21:58 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

Yeah this is a shocking sort of article to come out around this time of the month... I know. Bear with me though, as this is sort of an obligatory article.

I, StygianSteel, am writing this to ask for your support in my bid to return to Congress representing the great state of Vermont.

For clarity, I am running for the United Independents Party. Not that it matters a great deal. I like to leave partisan politics at the door when I enter Congress so it doesn't really matter what party name appears next to my name. Just know these are strange days with the INCI mess. This is more for disclosure and so people know what they're voting for.

So on to a bit about me...

(A bit of retro for those who remember...)

In the past, I've already served in Congress for three terms. So if you give me your vote you can rest assured it's a vote for someone who's already proven they can do the job. I have previously shown I have the dedication and time to be informed, involved, and keep up with the workings of Congress. I believe I've also established a reputation for non-partisanship, thoughtfulness, and a diplomatic attitude to those who remember my work there.

Other experience I have in this game includes two terms as Party President of the United Independents Party and various other positions within the party. It's no secret I love my party and the people there and I wouldn't try to make it one. I can say however that even as a Party President I have encouraged cooperation and outreach with other parties. In the end we should all be looking out for the best interest of our nation and that makes us all on the same side.

It's been awhile since I've been in Congress, but really that's kind of what this is about. After taking a break from eRepublik for awhile I am seeking to get back to my roots and what kind of established my reputation in this game. I believe that it's time I revisited this Congress business and got back to what may have done my best work.

In a time with the threat of takeover, etc politicking doesn't seem so important, but there it is. That's my piece. With all the anti-takeover strategy, etc I just hope this article might make people feel a little better about casting their vote my way if that's the way things go. In the end, I just hope this election gos well for the USA and those who legitimately wish to help this nation of ours.

Remember to come out and vote on the 25th and know who you're voting for.

Vote American.