Hey I got a medal!!

Day 898, 10:21 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

All I got was this lousy 3.86 ;-;. Well at least this time we won't have to see an impeachment proposal immediately...oh wait.


I guess old habits die hard, and as we're hitting 2 for 5, the young lad with 104 xp who was able to get 4 votes for congress that were totally above board, was just extending the tradition of first day impeachment proposals.

However this obvious mishap and misunderstanding between to gentlemen won't stop me from being all presidentially. As you can see I've gotten to work almost immediately, starting with the very important trade embargo on the Dirty Danes. The much needed embargo will finally be renewed, after Albert Neurath let it slip last term (HOW COULD YOU??!!?).

Moving on/Cabinet

I once made a joke a long time ago, that if I became a president, that instead of appointing people to my cabinet, I'd appoint them to my roll-top desk

Now onto other junk, this would be the obligatory time to name a cabinet. Upon reflection, and my experience during the last term I served as Prez (without the shiny medal) I've surmised that having an official cabinet really doesn't help countries our size. In bigger countries Cabinets are basically used to organize the various duties it takes to run a country. Granted we have the same responsibilities as larger countries do, however because of our size, there is less of a need for a restrictive demarcation of divisions and ministries. Simply put there is people that can help and those that can't. Trust me, I need all the help I can get, and putting labels and titles on positions, in my opinion, reduces the ability of people to contribute. I.E. if someone doesn't get named to the cabinet, they may feel that they can't contribute, or it's not their place to, and that's not the environment we can afford to have. We need as much input and effort from as many sources.

So, (GOD finally, I never thought he'd stop rambling) instead of naming a list of people I'm going to try an experiment, I can do that because I'm president, and list various duties their department will or won't do, I'll just let you know that if you're interested in doing stuff, contact me, go to the forums, or onto IRC. Being there is fine, but if you have an idea feel free to share it. The people that have been doing hard work in the past few months will continue to do the same hard work, and this is simply a ploy to see if we can get more people involved so the workload on the individual can be lessened.

My main goal this month is to begin the external recruitment drive we've been preparing/talking about for a few months. That being said, the citizen message is severely outdated, and the idea for the new citizen message I have is a link to an outside hub article that can direct the new citizen to a number of different tutorial articles/helpful resources, to get the new citizen underway. That being said we need submissions for articles and tutorials. Something like This (but updated), or this and the other articles Ivan wrote before his demise. The articles that will be linked in the message will be directed to a government orgs newspaper, as to better edit them in the future. We will, however, be taking submissions. The most important thing is getting the new player tutorial/hub article up along with a fighting tutorial that is easy to understand and quick to read (since day one fighting is a baby killer now). Submissions are welcome, you can publish them in the media, or you can add stuff to existing articles, but any input will be considered.

That will bring us to the actual recruitment, I have no idea how successful or unsuccessful it will be, but hopefully by the time the next presidential elections come around we'll have a decent influx of babies from Thailand. I've registered to a decent number of English speaking Thai forums (the idea being that we have to target the English speakers first, so the transition will be smoother), and we'll go from there. So I ask you to be prepared, we could have even more work ahead for us this month than usual, trying to introduce and help guide new citizens.

Well that's that, I don't think I could have been more disjointed and less decipherable if I tried.

Well, here's what you've been waiting for:

Random picture time. I have been noticing a trend in my random pics, that a lot of them involve animals, so I'll stray away from animal pics, and instead I bring you


Praise DIO, Heil Lewis, and later kids, you behave for Vincent now.