Herro TUP!

Day 375, 07:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mr. brodie

Elections soon kiddies 😉 That means you decide who to vote for. The election campaigns will be rolling in and everybody will be getting excited. Now I want you to think carefully about whom you vote for, get reading the Manifestos and vote for the guy who you think is best. I don't really want to see coalitions to get people out/into power, but I can't help that, all I can do is urge you to vote for who you want to. Voting is confidential as well, meaning you can vote for somebody who's not in your party and you won't get your balls cut off by them.

Now I'm not trying to sell you the TUP candidate, as I can guarantee you that he/she won't win, simply because of our lack of numbers and the strength of the opposition. Just remember; vote for the guy that suits you best, whether they're from UKRP, PCP, TUP or some other crazy party. I won't vote for our candidate, unless I think they have the best manifesto, I hope you guys don't just vote for party lines either (Yes, I've been guilty of it in the past, but I knew I was wrong to do so).

Now that I've wasted that small bit of your life (which you'll never get back), let me tell you about The Unity Party. Don't just join us because I say so, take a look at our ideas here and in the future and when you feel they suit you best, feel free to join the family.

As you may well know, we're currently the 3rd largest party in the UK. With 179 members, and growing rapidly, we're big enough to be noticed but small enough to have a friendly, family community. If you're a new player, we welcome you to join our party, we will help you to the best of our ability and go out of our way to make your playing experience the best it can be. Older players are just as welcome, although you guys probably don't need much help getting to know the game.

I personally see being in TUP as a privilege. Sure they can't kick me out, but with all the benefits of being in the party, it allows my eRep knowledge and experience to flourish. If the ladies aren't enough reason to join us, then the urge for learning should be. We'd love to be the guys that get you used to the world of Erepublik; the guys that become your first friends; the guys that get you actively involved and make you a key figure in the UK. We'd love to be the guys that you look back on in a few months and start to teach us some new things, instead of us teaching you. Success is great but you need to start somewhere; hopefully your somewhere is at The Unity Party.

We aren't the sort of group to pressure you to do things, we try to take the individuals and allow them to become what they want to be. We will aid and support them to the best of our ability, until they achieve their goals. We allow, no, we want the utmost freedom of speech, as long as it's in a civil tone. We want you to tell us if you don't want we're doing, we want you to complain if we're not completing jobs, we need you to get involved and put suggestions in to our party. Individuals matter to us, individuals make the party, but the party as a whole is a family; a group of friends that work together to improve the UK and make it the best it can be.

TUP has been claimed by many to be “the mature party” (I don't know why I'm in it then 😛 ), we aren't bothered about the other parties beliefs, we look past the small differences to try and come together to prosper in as many aspects as possible. But don't worry, because we're serious about what we do/want, it doesn't mean we don't have fun. All our members are friendly and fun people who want to give you the best experience you can have. If you have any questions about the party, why don't you message one of our members? Everybody will give you as much help as you need and will answer the questions to the best of their ability. If they don't know, they will find out for you. That's a promise.

The Unity Party has a rich history, thought out time we've been a strong party, bring a wide variety of people together and working together to better our country. We don't want to stop there though, we will continue to do our best for the public as a whole and for each individual separately. Our history will continue to flourish, do you want to be by our side as it's written?

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See TUP's wiki page here: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/The_Unity_Party

Join the official UK forums here: http://forum.erepublik.co.uk/forum.htm

Once you've signed up on the forums, don't forget to sign up to the Party's private forums to get instantly involved.