Here's A Story That May Freak You Out

Day 793, 12:52 Published in USA USA by Endy
My Skripts

All Job Options
Allows selection of the hidden "all" options for country and skill

Allows you to check on moving distance requirements while still employed.

Publius' Skripts

Avatar Fix
Fixes the profile Avatars, so they actually show up properly rather than in gigantor size.

Cruft Remover
Currently it "strips out all the facebook, twitter, sharethis, health boxes, and storage pack buttons". Sounds like more is in the works from his article, so we'll have to wait and see. 🙂

Congress Donation Validation
Double checks the congress donation. If you are or want to be in congress in the eUS in the future, it's a good idea to install this.

Trawled Skripts

Company Manager for eRepublik Rising
By Roktaal

A bit all encompassing for my taste, but has many decent features for both managers and non-managers.

Chicas v2
By Azaret

Replaces the ladies we're all ever so found of with men. Wouldn't want to leave out half the world's population now would we? 😛

eRep Monetary Market Totals
By Marko Kocić

Novel idea. Calculates total currency value of offers in the eRepublik monetary market(on your current page). Possibly handy for currency traders or anyone with a need to track the market volume.


All of these run using Fire Fox's add-on">Greasemonkey, which allows for easy customization of online sites.
End Note:

In other news near as I can tell the hacking fun that happened yesterday seems to have been decently patched. Tried some simple stuff and ER sanitized it reasonably well, of course if it was really good I wouldn't be writing "skript" everywhere but...

anyways it is probably fixed.

That's all for today. Please remember the little !! link up there if you haven't 😉