Henry William French For Country President!

Day 5,761, 05:59 Published in USA USA by Henry William French

I would like to announce my candidacy for CP this September.
Since I don't consider myself the best writer I will try to keep this short and sweet by telling you about my cabinet, war plans, and new program I will be introducing all in this article.

Prime Minister-


Minister of Defense-


Deputy Defense-

-Thee Dude, Shiloh13, Super Nova

Minister of Foreign Affairs-


Deputy MoFA-

-Herr Vootsman


-Bob Boudahili

Chief of Staff-

If anyone would like a deputy position feel free to message me.

War Plans-

I intend to keep Training wars going, and try to keep our boot on the neck of Code as much as possible.

New Program- French's Freedom Fries-

The new program will take place on the national feed every other day if I am elected, all you will have to do is comment on the post to get 1000 energy.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I have your support/vote for the 5th!

- Henry William French