Help Stop the Belgium PTO

Day 795, 21:45 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

We have received word from numerous sources that indicate that Belgium is under the threat of a Political Take Over (PTO) from Phoenix nations. There are many reasons to prevent such an attack. One of the most important is strategic positioning. Belgium sits in a key position in Europe, bordering Spain, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Given the current state of conflict in that area, it is important to make sure that Belgium does not become a Phoenix puppet state and aid in the defense of the United Kingdom.

We are calling for volunteers to help us fight off the threat of this PTO and to make sure that Belgium does not fall into Phoenix control. Please move to Belgium and join the Belgian Defense Party today. Contact us and let us know that you are working to help defeat Phoenix's PTO attempt. We will contact you then on election day and make sure that your vote is cast effectively to deny them control of Belgium.

We need your help. If you have any questions or need assistance in getting to Belgium, please contact us.