Help Scotland in Time of Need

Day 642, 13:28 Published in United Kingdom Singapore by Tortea

(forum game on the eUk erep forums)

It doesn't look good.

We just don't have enough people in Scotland to hold against the Northern Ireland and their Alliances.On the Forums

So i can't speak too soon but if we can't get 6votes in 30minutes Scotland will be lost.

I really beg you if you can to vote for Scotland, Ill give you a job to be a reporter and even pay you a little cash if you can vote for Scotland.

I beg you again please vote for Scotland.

Even though i got 5 Regions to Ally with us in a space of a few hours it might not be enough to help us.

I beg you again to vote for Scotland

Because of a rule change NI doesn't NEED to attack Scotland anymore but they want to.

Read this

Its easy create a account on the eUK forums,
Vote for Scotland
and claim your prize.


Captain of Scotland