Help a Noob Out

Day 1,328, 13:57 Published in North Korea Croatia by TurtleShroom
{If you voted and subscribed to my paper, I would truly be honored.}

My level and stats testify to a quick learner in E-Republik, and indeed, I have full command over all the actual elements of the game. I'm proud to say that I know the ins and outs of the market front and back, I understand the war feature, and I can navigate effortlessly through the game's menus and play the actual game almost as good as a veteran.

Why, then, am I writing this? Let's be point blank.

I, sadly, don't understand the out-of-game elements of E-Republik. Nothing makes any sense to me, and the Wiki honestly leaves me in the dark.

For example, what in the name of the debt ceiling are Ambassadors for? If the game physics are to understand, Ambassadors are game positions for moderators.
Yet, there's another fiel😛 one by the players, and one I don't get. I asked North Korea's President for Life, Kim Il Sung OogieBoogie for an ambassadorship to Switzerland, because I had good friends there and felt that an alliance with the Swiss (and Mexico among others, see my previous work) would be beneficial.

What is this EDEN, Terra, and ONE folks talk about?

Why is Serbia so bloodthirsty, and why do the Serbs have a billion allies? What led to that?
What are these "World Wars" people speak of, and is there one happening now?

Let me give an example of a discussion I had with a very informed leader of North Korea.

By the way, since I'm new here... how do I serve as an Ambassador? I'd love to do it, but I don't understand what to do.

Would you please begin teaching me when you see it appropriate? 🙂

Warm regards,

The way it would work is the President will appoint a Minister of Foreign Affairs. The MoFA's job is to open the ministry, and allow people like you and me to apply for an ambassadorship to any given country. Obviously he may appoint his own staff to a country of particular interest, but all the other randoms are open. Once you are given North Korean ambassadorship, you must contact the MoFA of the country you have been assigned to and present yourself and nationality, and also the interests North Korea has with that particular country. If you don't know who the MoFA is, contact the President, he'll almost always give you the information you need. You'll end up with information leading you to a forum and/or IRC chatroom, that is where you will do your business. Note: when an administration chances, you must reapply for the position, but let them know you held that position beforehand.

Uhh... I don't exactly understand.

Have I got this correct?

1 .You want me to message the Swiss President and tell him that I'm the Ambassador from North Korea?

2. You want me to explain why NK is creating an embassy and what I'm trying to achieve?

3. You want me to enter an IRC/chatroom or a forum and post my ideas, requests, and diplomacy?

Is this correct?

Also, how exactly do we go about with our Minister of Foreign Affairs? It's not a real E-Republik position, and the contents aren't editable, so we can't really get the word out as to who is our MOFA.

The country needs to know these things, so how are we going to tell all of the North Koreans out there who our MOFA is, what our ambassadors do, and how to play the non-ingame aspects?

...-and most importantly, can you post some sort of tutorial on all of this in your Newspaper?

This is getting exciting! I'm honored to help.

Warm regards,
P.S.: What if the Swiss don't have a MOFA, and it's just the game's President and Congress?

Don\'t do anything yet, we don\'t have a Ministry yet, not until after the election. All the briefing will take place after that.

That was nine days ago.

See, this is the problem. All of these positions that don't exist, supra-national mega-alliances, bloodthirsty nations whose pasts I can't read up on, a vague Wiki, and general silence of the community to teach Noobs...

It's just really hard to understand.

If anyone could create a tutorial and crash-course in E-Republik history, and some assistance in all the complex outside forces, I'd truly appreciate it.

So yeah... I need to learn.

So be it,