Hellooooo? Plato,are you there?

Day 1,427, 08:17 Published in Poland Greece by Spirosway

Dear Plato,
I have long time to see you.Are you really there? Are you alive?
As we know bazzoka parts have a little bit problem all this time by the "random" drop chance.
For example , most people have parts like this order "100 - 0 - 25 - 100 - 125" so why dont fix this?

Nevermind,Lets forget this and lets see the new chance today.
We can buy any bazzoka part with 0.9 gold so everyone can buy scope and missles but you forget something.
The "something" is 98% of players that can't handle this!!!
Do something for all players...let the people buy some parts with currency...decrease the prices so even new players can have some fun !!

Erepublik is not only you,or me or 50-100 people...but all Erepublik citizens!!!