Hello People of London

Day 1,036, 11:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Mic

Hello people of London.

I am Sir Mic.
Tom Fletcher and I will be running in London for the TUP this month.

My Manifesto

Some of you may know me from the forums or IRC. But for the people who don’t I am Sir Mic. Last term I was a congressman for the West Midlands as well as being a part of the MoW and MoHA. I am an active member of the eUK forums and IRC and I am a Lt Col in the Army.


As everyone should know congressmen cannot start wars, start battles without permission from government. So don’t be fooled by the people who say that they are going to liberate Northern Ireland. Because THEY cannot. So my Military goals for this term are....

♦ Support the army whenever possible.

♦ Keep the army separate from the government as much as possible.


Congressmen have more freedom when it comes to economics, they can propose that more money is printed and money being donated. But as I said at the start every congressman only has 2 proposals in there term and that they only propose what the government wants or your party. So, all ideas are given to the government or Party President.


♦ Support new players

♦ Support the Military

♦ Encourage activity

♦ Vote on every bill

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto and please if you decide not to vote for me, make sure the person you do vote for is active and up to the job.

And as always, if you have any questions, mail me.

Sir Mic