Hello, North Corea

Day 965, 17:47 Published in North Korea USA by Harrison Richardson
As you can notice, we Americans prefer to call North Corea by it's old name given to it by the ancient Mongols; we call it Corea as a term of endearment.

Greetings, North Corea

My name is Harrison Richardson. Before I came to this great land, I was eight times the United States Secretary of State (Minister of Foreign Affairs), three times the Vice President of the United States, the first Secretary-General of the ATLANTIS alliance, and three times the President of the United States, most recently in May. I've been around a bit, and I can say without a doubt that North Corea is the nation that has suffered the most from PHOENIX/PEACE rule in this game. Way back in July of 2009 (over a year ago, now), at the height of World War III, then North Corean President Afanasiy Drago sacrificed his country for the good of the United States and EDEN. I was in the room when we made him a solemn vow to get his country back, one way or another. I am here to fulfill that promise.

As the newly appointed North Corean Ambassador to the United States, I will work with my former government to make sure that ample supplies, especially in the form of voters, are sent to help us retain our country from the attempted takeover that is surely going to happen on the 25th of this month.

Also, I would like to announce that I have taken the time to establish some national forums for us, located at: http://enk.smffy.com. These forums are still under construction but will be open for use shortly.

As the Chief Executive Officer of PENIX Inc., I have amassed a great deal of gold in-game. I will be using this gold to further North Corea's economy and help stockpile weapons for our military. I will also be working with the Congressmen, once they are elected, to create a constitution for our country.


With luck, we will be able to keep this country free

Harrison Richardson