Hello Mr.Congressman

Day 402, 03:10 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

First of all I'd like to thank all the citizens of Yorkshire and Humberside that voted for me so I could gain power. I won by a quite large margin of 12-5 between me and Patrick Reckitt and I would like to congratulate him on becoming a member of congress aswell, and to all the others that took part.

However some people deserve a special mention. First of all all the people on the forums who encouraged me to get involved in politics and for all those *interesting* debates. And secondly to a user called Ralph Francis Mason. You may not know it but he has provided me with a lot of support and ideas and I would like to thank him for that.

I look forward to both working with Patrick and with all the other members on the forum to help build a better region and a better country!

IndieKid, Congressman for Y&H