Hello Kentucky!

Day 762, 13:16 Published in USA USA by livingabroad

Hello Kentucky, I'm here to announce my candidacy for the Congressional Seat from your lovely state.

Now, before you vote for me, you probably want to know a little bit about me and what I stand for, don't you?

Who I Am

Sometimes in the morning I don't even know! But today was one of my good days, so I think I can outline myself. I started this game out way back in May, seen a lot of World War, been with the United Independent's Party the whole time, but now I stand before you in the colors of the AAP, who so kindly have decided to sanction me. In those months (My god it's already been seven!), I have run for congress once, (lost once), been through the TD, by the time I was out I was an XO to my dear friend Relin, and I am currently in the Mobile Infantry serving my country, and I've risen in the State Department to the role of Central/Southern Europe Region Boss (As we talk we are restructuring) from being the Swedish Ambassador (still hold that title). For those of you who don't like to read words, here's the list.

General Manager
Former TD XO
Current MI
UIP Communications Team Member
State Department Region Boss
American Ambassador to Sweden

Now on to what I want to do.

My Plans

I've compiled a very brief list first, if you're interested in any details scroll on down and read.

Military- We are doing something right, and we've got all our organizations running to a premium. There isn't much I personally can bring to the table.
Economy- Here's where my proposals will come in, making damn well sure we've got no money in our treasury.
Foreign Affairs- My specialty, I've got ideas for this. One, all foreign affairs decisions by congress should require contacting the ambassadors involved. Second, we should try to avoid war with the old PEACE, not Phoenix, but the PEACE that still sort of exists.
Domestic Policy- I'm a fan of the two state fortress theory, but I am also open to the thought that we should perhaps have some sort of hospital, even Q1 or Q3 in populous wasteland states so that new citizens have the ability to stay above 40 wellness before moving. Of course, I encourage everyone of you located in Kentucky to move to California or Florida.
Transparency- Every week I'll publish a voting record, and check the list twice.


In the past month, the Training Division has been able to take in new recruits for the first time in a long while, after being incredibly backlogged. This means that all of you should apply today, so take a look here. After the recent fall of the Phoenix fortress Liaoning, I think it has become ever more and more clear, that funding for the Welcoming Committee and other organizations that are giving out free weapons are really making a difference. Thus, whenever donations to these organizations are concerned, I will almost always vote yes (saving some odd unexpected occurrence), and since most of them get donations from the CBO and not directly from the Treasury, I'll make sure that the CBO gets what it needs.


The market has been slowed down a little (due to Lana perhaps), but I see it picking up because the economy in this game runs off war. When there is war, everybody makes money. Companies make money, workers make more money, and it keeps on going (till the war ends). Thus, war games I will always support because of what they mean to this country. When it comes to taxes, I'm not 100% on how that all works, why this and that is where it's at (well, the raw materials taxes I understand well), so I'll just be a fly on the wall when it comes to tax debates, listening in and voting on what seems proper. If you don't know, Congressmen get two proposals every month, and mine, as a new congressman, will not be wasted on tax changes but instead on donations to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) whenever there is any money in our treasury. When there is money in our treasury, it can be lost in battle, when it's in the CBO, it can't be taken.

Foreign Affairs

Now the biggest threat out there for EDEN and us is clearly Phoenix, the superpowers of the old PEACE put into one, and some other countries. Negotiating with them is almost impossible, but I can't say I wouldn't rule out voting for a peace treaty. I'd lean towards bringing it home now and for good, but I cannot predict future circumstances. As for the Entente that France and Italy seem to be attempting to shepherd, they should not be treated as hostile, more neutral. Now the thing I most want to see in Congress, perhaps I'm a bit bias but it's good nonetheless, I want every congressman to try to contact the ambassadors involved with the proposal or situation occurring in that ambassador's country. We've got a great and well functioning State Department, it's time to really use it. If I can't get every congressman to contact the ambassadors, then I'll bring their official message to congress.

Domestic Policy

I am completely for the two state fortress system, it's proven after all, but I do believe that a q1 or q3 in our very populous RL regions where citizens will continue to pop up would help our military till they can move, will help our economy because no GM likes an unhealthy worker, and will help us once they move because what's the point of moving a man exactly at 40 wellness who will be unable to fight once he moves. I would like to encourage all of you who are located in Kentucky, since we currently have no hospital, to move to California or Florida so you can help our country. I suggest you contact me for a free ticket, and after the election I'll see to it that you get yourself out of here.


This one is pretty cut and dry, I will support nothing that means lying to the good people of this country, I will publish a public voting record every week, and check the list twice. What I mean by checking the list twice is that with every donation proposal I will do what common sense dictates and right click and hit view page source to make sure we aren't being scammed. Still in my memory sits the proposal of money that was sent to the Congressional Budget Office instead of the Congressional Budge Office, an undetectable extra space that could only be noticed by viewing page source.

In conclusion, I wish all my opponents well and wish that Kentucky gets a great Congressman!
