Hello India (a small tutorial about writing newspapers)

Day 916, 00:47 Published in India Croatia by Kloksi222

Hi,India men. I am from eCroatia and I am an ATO force in there. I see you have a very small number of newspapers and thex are with no pictures and without too many graphics, so I will give a tutorial for you. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748/">Greasemonkey will give you option to download and use eRepublik Plus.First you must have http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html">Mozilla firefox. When you download it will be more easier to write newspapers. When you cant download it:
For bold text: you must have (b)Any text.(/b) but instead of () you must write [].
For italic text: you must write (i)Any text.(/i) but instead of () you must write [].
For underline text: you must write (u)Any text(/u) but instead of () you must write[].
For images zou must write: (img)Any link on picture(/img) but instead of () you must write [].

For links you must write: (url=Any link)(/url) but instead of () you must write [].

For text what is bigger/smaller:you must write (size=20)Any text.(/size) but instead of () you must write [].
For images what are links you must write:[img]Any link on picture.[/img]

That is a shortly tutorial, but India have clever men and they will give you a better and bigger tutorial!
Go eIndia!
Viva la eIndia!