Hello Goodbye!

Day 900, 07:16 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Theneka

Why am I leaving?
As some of you might know, I'm a Flamish GUY (no, not a girl, do not mistake me😁) and even though I've never supported anny seperatist ideas, it is time for me to return to eBelgium and help them out there. They need more spam! (and other things too, but mainly spam!) I've been asked by several eBelgians to come back, and following the good example of Jofroi, I've decided to accept their invites and return to Belgium. I hope my friends forgive me, and I would appreciate recieving Honorary Citizenship on the eUNL forum😁 If Frerk want's to be so kind to give it to me xD

I'm also a bit fed up with forced opposition, and the lac of left ideas in our party, even though we intend to project ourselfs as left. Some people might see this as running from a challenge, but I've had enough of it, it's not constructive anymore, and the LSD is perfectly fine without me. The fairure of the elections was also a proof of the fact the eUNL don't seem to want left parties. Though I must take this possibility to congratulate I&W with their epic victory, even with all other parties supporting other candidates, they still succeeded in getting their candidate elected. Reasons for this might be found in the lack of voting requests from the LSD and from other parties too. This might be a tip for possible further tries for CP. Though next time the GLD or LP will probably propose their candidate, and I'm afraid those will get elected. Even though, it's not my problem anymore.

I still think there is a huge need for a real major left party, both in eRepublik and in real life, and thus I will continue to support the LSD vocaly and on their forum. I also want to offer my (small) help towards the WP, as they have a chance of becoming active too. The LSD faces a lot of chances and possibilities, but also some challanges. Being forced in opposition isn't easy, and so far only Artemivanov (who's ex-I&W) and me have any conciderable governement experience. This might be something to concidere during next elections, even though the need to participate in a gov may never exeed the ideas or needs of the party as a whole.

Some people might be surprised to find a title in my article on I&W, some might think I'm going to attack them some more. The opposite is true. I want to congratulate I&W for their proof of activity over the last 5 months, their capability of taking the lead (even though I don't agree with them and their decisions most of the time) I also want to point out that they are not that concervative, and that they've accepted or adopted some points out of the great LSD source. The I&W members have proven to be mostly kind and pollite members, most of them have proven to be able to cope with hard critics (mostly from me) and even with some offenses that I made. I want to congratulate them on their diplomacy and their overall kindness, even though we don't share anything on political ideals.

The eUNL
As I'm writing about politics anyway, it might be a good time to express my oppinion on the eUNL. I've never supported separation of Holland and Belgium, and I will, in my own personal way, continue to strive for cooperation between our two nations, and a healthy competition. Our nations have proven to be very interesting in political way and on social ways, and I can honestly say that I realy enjoy the eUNL forum, and it's IRC. You won't probably be able to get rid of me there.

There is a time in life where reflecting what you've done and what you still have to achieve is a good thing to do. I think now might be the perfect time for me to do so. I can say that I've pretty soon started this game with Politics, running in August 2009 for the first time. I wasn't elected then, but next month I was, and I have been elected ever sinds. That makes 6 terms in congress, one time Minister of Raws and one time Minister of Home Affairs for the eUNL. I've enjoyed cooperating with all people from the eUNL and others too, and I would like to thank them for that.

There is also my 'work' in the LSD. I can't say it has been that much, especialy compared to what Mattio and Shakerr succeeded in doing last months, but I'm proud to have been PP of the LSD for some time, taking up where Cocoamok left and trying my best to keep the LSD alive and on the right pat. Ideas about this might differ, but generaly taken, I think I could have done worse😁

It's the first time that I've written an article under my name, so any vote is welcome, and any subion too. I can not hope for a MM medail, as the eUNL don't have that many active citizens, but I would like to continue writing all sorts of stuff. For the fans of the MoS, that project won't likaly end, so don't worry.

I still have to become CP of some country some day, and though I've once been in the illusion I had a chance of becoming that in the eUNL, I've learned that my political ideas arn't realy welcome under the major part of the party leadership in the eUNL, so I don't stand a chance, unless I&W would somehow support me xD

Special Thanks
- Cocoamok and PerryRhodan for giving me a great time in the LSD and helping me from the very start.
- Frerk for being such an incredible guy
- Konrad, Sterling and Coolissport, for being great gay-buddies of mine, and spam buddies to.
- Mitch Rapp, for being my black sheep when I needed one.
- Shakerr, for proving that he's a great writer and that I can leave I&W busting up to him.
- Mattio for his leadership and his activity within the LSD party, though he's not half as left as I would have wanted him xP
- Apotigma, Olv007 and ThomasRED for willing me back in Belgium.

And ofcorce, Artemivanov for leaving I&W and becoming their spy in LSD 🙂 We love you!! <3

Kind Regards, see you on IRC!!

Proud ex-eUNL member