Hello Folks of eIndia!

Day 393, 09:42 Published in India Netherlands by Betha


I have bin here for a good week now but haven't properly introduced myself 🙂

I am Betha, a 8 month year old lvl 17 eRepubliken, I am active during all 8 of those, I come from eHolland were I climbed my way up to the second nfluence having position of the eDutch Government system the position of Prime Minister, I replaced BroodroosterNL who left and won the elections shortly after to be elected properly as the Prime Minister. Before that though I held the position of Minister of internal affairs for 2 Months, Internal affairs is the the most time demanding job in the eDutch Government if I may say so 😛 In the Beta I was the mayor of Maastricht for 3 terms in a row.

You might wonder why I left eHolland, the reason is verry simple: I am one of the older eDutch that wander around this world, my idea jar to further help eHolland were simply empty! I hope that with my experiences in eHolland I can help here to build up eIndia from were we stand now, I really came at a bad time with eItaly trying to colonize eIndia, thank the gods that that will not happen anymore! 😃 And I hope that I wont be seen as just a another foreigner.

yours faithfully,
