Hello Everyone. I am back!

Day 2,078, 01:25 Published in Greece Armenia by Internetus Internetian

Hello my fellow Armenian and Greek brothers, and anyone else who is reading this. I have been in eRepublik since the beta days. First in America, then in Thailand, and then Greece. Through out this time I have helped many governments in revolutions and resistances. I have also served time as congressman in Thailand. My main focus since I started this simulator back in the beta days though, has been to create an Armenian community on eRepublik and to have an Armenian state created in eRepublik. The reason why this is so difficult is that because of the Armenian Genocide, most Armenians live outside of Armenia. This causes an issue, because eRepublik only creates ecountries based on hits from the country. As you can imagine, when most of your population lives outside of your home country, it sets up a situation where the internet hits does not match up to the standard that other countries pass, as they usually have the majority of their people in their own lands. If any Armenians see this, please send me a message. If you know any Armenians, tell them to send me a message. Its very important that we have a connected community.

Any political party or entity, which is interested in helping or working along side the Armenian Cause, please contact Internetus Internetian.

The International Armenian- A broadcast to the world on Armenian concerns, global politics, and analysis on Eastern politics. Promoting the Armenian Cause since the Beta days. If you are Armenian or an Armenian organization, please contact us.