Hello American Allies

Day 976, 12:31 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Hello America,

I am writing you today as a citizen of eIsrael. I left the US awhile back to try and help this fragile nation grow and succeed in eRep.

Israel is country in need of help. The country is small, but has a active community. The economy is struggling here just as it is across the globe. With money so tight, Israel could use some help.

I urge the United States President to offer a gift to the people of Israel. I ask President Reala and his cabinet to show the good will of America and extend an MPP offer to my new country. The Israelis
hope you will extend this offer so we may join you upon the battlefield in defense of America.

Short and sweet, haha. Help out a developing nation.

Thanks and I hope this is considered soon!
~Joe DaSmoe