Hello America! Here is your Moldavian Friends!

Day 785, 09:34 Published in USA Romania by Ciprian97

Hello America!

I'm the new ambassador of Republic of Moldova in your country!
I'm new to the diplomatic service and I'm verry honored to begin my career here, in USA, a powerful country in our New World! I'm impresioned by your tehnology, I like your buildings, and I wish to go at New York in a day...
Now, I announce you the government of Republic of Moldova:

President............................-/ Maniu
Prime-minister....................-> Cluj forever
Ministry of Education..........-> Cerescu Nicolai
Ministry of Defense............-> Simon Santo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs...-> konnarcis3, Anduu
Ministry of Work...................-> mungO
Ministry of Information........-> Bazooka Omae

Best wishes,
Ambassador of Republic of Moldova in United States of America