Hear O Israel : Reform or Die!

Day 653, 11:26 Published in Israel Israel by Ezekiel Ben-Or
Shalom to you, reader!

It's been an emotional week for all eIsraelis. First there was the drama around Sadeh's departure
for eSpain and renouncement of citizenship. Then there was Buzzy's anger over losing such a great leader and a heated debate over who should take eIsrael's helm. I was reminded King David's lament in 2 Samuel 1:

"Your glory, O Israel, lies slain upon your high places! How the mighty have fallen!"

You might think it a little tongue-in-cheek to liken Buzzy and Sadeh to Jonathan and Saul,
but their contribution to this nation cannot be overstated. They are the nation's fathers, and as such we owe them gratitude and respect. A leader such as Buzzy should be the rallying point of eIsrael
at a time when the ills of apathy, vendettas and sedition pervade everything. Factions have formed.
The economy is faltering. The threat of another Turkish invasion looms.

As editor of the Jewish Renegade, I feel duty bound to speak the truth about the state of eIsrael and
advance some policies which I think would speed its recovery:

EIsrael is a weak state with a divided people. As such it is liable to the equally dangerous
threats of foreign invasion and internal dismemberment. If eIsrael is to have any sort of
future it should be one premised on the willingness of its citizens to participate in this virtual community and elect effective leaders. But this does not mean we should be looking to build consensus on every issue. We need fresh ideas, some of which may not be acceptable to all eIsraelis.

Above all we should be working towards a more clear-cut division between economics-focussed parties and citizen-focussed parties, between profit-driven players and less ambitious team-players. The following recommendations are designed to foster the second type of player so that the casual two-click business-as-usual user is made an endangered species:

1. The IDF should be re-organies so that weapons are distributed and the chain of command re-established. This would help foster civic spirit.

2. We need a proactive immigration policy coupled with new citizen outreach - a new wave of immigrants (a second aliyah) would bolster the army, the economy and confidence in the durability of this nation.

3. We should take measures to increase election turn-out must increase for the citizens to feel represented

4. More high-quality news is needed as well as mass article voting to put eIsrael on the media map [soft power] and encourage participation.

A recent article published by Elianna Zamir ("The Great Divide: Party Politics") quotes the IWP and Likud as paying lip service to the idea of mobilizing citizens ("We support an active and involved citizenry. (IWP) "Likud feels that high level citizen activity is a must to promote a working and stabilized nation" (LIKUD)) yet neither party has suggested radical new ways of achieving this.

I think that a new Ministry of Information is one means of putting these recommendations into action. The minister would be responsible for keeping the low-ranking citizens informed by issuing weekly reports and recruiting people for the forum and would be put in charge of a directory of active and skilled users.

I hope to persuade Charles Nimitz, leader of the new Israeli Progressive Party to include this ideas in the party manifesto. As a party of merit and democracy, the IPP is in a unique position to promote the high standards of civic participation and loyalty that are compatible with the diffusion of power and responsiblity to the greatest number!

Reader, your VOTE and SUBSCRIPTION would be greatly appreciated.