Hear, hear, o, Plato! A million euros a year!

Day 3,750, 06:42 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


1. Introduction
2. The way it should have been
3. The way it could become


I just want to make one thing clear: I am a realist. My previous ideas were realistic (but maybe late), and I did not simply give up on them. I merely think that they are not realistic anymore. This game is 100% going to die in the next couple of years. And I don't mean it in the way people have been saying this for years until now. The games has simply reached such low number of players that even pack/stash sale has gone considerably down for the first time ever, and with it the profit Labs make with this game. But at least we could make these couple of years somewhat wortwhile for Plato and newbs/weaklings/two-clickers of this game.

The game is dying anyway, so why not go full retarded?


I'm not even gonna talk about all of the mistakes Plato made with the division system (before the Maverick Pack). I'm merely mentioning it so you could keep in mind that what I'm about to write wasn't his first blunder.

It's the air fighting. A system gone wrong from the start. You bought his story: no perception centers and no higher Q factories, just to keep it even for all players. Not really, only for pack buyers. And those turned out to be almost the very same pople who dominate the ground battles. Meaning, they had already bought those packs to win ground BHs. Off course, there were some who started buying packs for the first time ever to win SHs, but not a significant number. And while most welcomed the air battles where weaklings and their damage would still matter, that is not the case anymore. How could it be when we have air fighters who deal more than 4 million in damage in a single air battle? Bottom line: the Labs spent their time and resources working on a module that neither brings them significant increase in profit, nor does it help keep around players who don't wave their Visas at them.

They should have introduced something like Happiness complementing Wellness in Rising V2: a special energy bar with fixed ammount of it that could have been spent only in air battles. It would have been the same ammount for all players, and not increasible with Energy bars, Weekly challenge rewards, nor packs. Only those who would log in daily would have a chance to use it, and stay in the race. No weapon industry, no training centers. No Visa (or Mastercard). Just (not a 24/7) activity, like in the old day.

Maybe it could still be done. Introduce naval battles. No need for 30 gold medals. Or even 5. Make it 2, like in D1 ground battles. To hell with it, make it like a decoration, giving no gold or currency at all. But weaklings would matter. But we all know Plato. Had he known there would be no large profit in developing the air module, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. So, no way.


The Switch strength feature, make it permanent. To answer Plato's question: the more players that can get acess to 200 000 strength, the more players will start buying packs. I admit, I would be tempted to start buying those. I know most don't have that kind of currency, but I know for a fact that some strong players would buy them their first packs and allow them to pay the back after winning some medals. Plato's profit from packs and stashes is somewhere around 40 000 euros/month, and that could easily get doubled by introducing a feature that is already developed. Hear, hear, o, Plato! A million euros a year!

Imagine all the weaklings suddenly getting a chance at all those BHs, CHs and TPs. Imagine small, tightly knit communities like Australia, Cyprus, Norway, Switzerland, Israel... which can fit all their active players in one massive message where they could coordinate their strength sharing. Suddenly, their weakness in numbers could become their strength in activity and organization. Some others could simply use it as a service to charge others to use it. Roughly, tanks need around 7 hours to fully refill the energy storages. Since switching sterngth lasts for 2 hours, they could easily swap it with 3 other players. Tactical swaping of strength during real wars could give a new meaning to the strategy. More food and weapons will be consumed as well.

I know what tanks are going to say: "we worked (paid) hard to achieve the 200 000 strength mark, it would not be fair.“ Well, I've got news for you! It wasn't fair when Plato deleted Work skill, which some of us worked hard for, even paid RL money for. It wasn't fair when Plato decided to destroy our company values on multiple occasions, which some also paid with RL money. First by offering 50% disccount on companies, then by turning one half of companies into land, and another into currency values. It wasn't fair when he deleted more than half of the subscribers every journalist had back then, and, again, some invested RL money into buying Gold to advertise their newspaper in Citizen ads. It wasn't fair so many times, and you didn't stand by the rest of players. Not even once. And today you are alone. Just like the rest of us, you will get destroyed by Plato's greed. You don't own your strength, nor your Gold, nor your accounts for that matter. Plato can take those all away right now, and there is nothing you could do, even though some of you have paid hundreds, or even thousands of euros so far, just to be on top in this silly game. At the end, nobody would actually delete you strength, if you wouldn't like to share it, nobody could make you to. But I know your real fear. You think just because you invested so much money, you deserve the right to win all the medals. You'd hate getting competition. You actually didn't, don't and won't deserve anything: you paid money merely to have an advantage, not an automatic right to win medals. For Plato's sakes, these days you win BHs in D4 with less than 40 million damage. The hipocrisy of yours reached such limits, they are unheard of: the other day a player was hunting BHs across 27 different battles and divisions, at the same time! 27! At the same time! And then he had the nerve to send insulting messages to people who "stole“ some of his medals! I rest my case!

Plato, make Switch strength feature permanent. You will earn more money, weaklings will have a fighting chance, smaller countries won't be so easily chewed and spit on. Don't worry, even though some tanks might threat to stop buying packs, they won't. They have been pussified too much to stop now, and will continue paying until the end of the server.

Hear, hear, o, Plato! A million euros a year!