Health updated...

Day 153, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"Stop smoking... You are killing yourself..."
--My Mom and numerous other people...

Hooray 🙂 At last bureaucracy things are behind and one more region of eUK is enlisted as Happy and Healthy... Female population of that region "bombs" 'Penis Enlargement-Nation/S-group' with huge amount of letters... Our Boss is hardly seen between all those letters and greeting cards... Now the company will upgrade and provide more powerful pills and stuff...

And for the future I hope that all this "paper work" in NHS will be done much faster than this time... I'd suggest to start debates who-why-what before the hospital is ready and complete with transfer as soon as it's ready... Cause delays like that are faulty to country economic, and especially "hard bang" to health providing companies.. So Lords Mayors please think e-global and care of citizens who are paying taxes...

Thanks for you attention...