Health Care in eNorway – What happened?

Day 288, 14:03 Published in Norway Norway by Cirno
I was reading the Watchful Eye, and their article «Comprehensive review of state matters», and it got me thinking. Lauri Relander is complaining about the bad healthcare situation in both eRussia and eFinland, stating the facts that 66% of the Finnish cities are without a hospital, and 42% of eRussia are missing the basic healthcare. That means, 34% of eFinland is covered, and so is 58% of eRussia. Where did the hospitals come from? Did the Finns and Russians build them? And how come the coverage in eNorway is at an impressive 100%?

I'm certainly not old enough to know the history, so I head off to find someone who was here from the start. On the #eRepublik IRC channel at Efnet, I meet Forconin, who is nice enough to have a chat with me.
Forconin has been a member of eRepublik since January 03, and knows quite a bit about the history.

How was eNorway doing by itself?
I start out by asking him about the situation in eNorway before the warfare started. He tells me that Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen had Q3 hospitals (which was the highest quality at the time), Svalbard didn't have any hospitals and the rest of the cities had Q1/2 hospitals. That means eNorway had a stunning 83% health care coverage before the war even started! Surely, the Norwegians were fit to fight!

How about eFinland?
But how was the situation with our dear Finnish neighbours? From what Forconin can remember they had a few hospitals, but he is not certain. I better find some of the good old Finns to ask. While waiting for the Finns to come online, I did a little research, and it seems like 3 out of 6 Finnish cities has Q1 hospital or above, and if my mathematics skills from primary school still serves me right, that's a 50% coverage, not 34% as Watchful Eye stated.
After an hour wait, I manage to get hold of the President himself, InuNova is kind enough to let me get some of his valuable time. He confirms that eFinland had 2 hospitals, or 34% coverage at the time of the invasion.
That means you have had an increase of 16%, sadly, that only counts for 1 hospital.

And eRussia?
While I'm at it, I might just as well try to find out how eRussia was doing. The good old HateBot was idling at IRC as well. He was in a hurry, but was able to tell me that low population never made them able to mass produce hospitals. At the time of the Norwegian invasion, they had two Q1 hospitals, that is 16% coverage, of the most basic hospital. According to the Watchful Eye, eRussia now has a 58% coverage, with higher quality hospitals. That is an increase of 42% while being under the Norwegian Empire.

Why such an high increase in eRussia and not in eFinland?
While eRussia has experienced a 42% increase in hospitals, eFinland have only had a 16% increase under the command of the Norwegian Empire, why is that?
Is the hospitals strategicly placed, in case someone went to war against eNorway? Or is this based on city population? Did the old congress simply hate the Finns? We have to get to the bottom of this!

To find out, I'll have to take another talk with Forconin.

Forconin quickly assure me that there is hospitals in stock, and that they will be placed out in the regions once Oddgeir gets up and running again. I'm still curious about how it was decided who should get hospitals first, and asks him if there were any criterias at all.
His reply is prompt, the biggest first. So it was all about population, and not nationality. That's a relief. (I had a short talk with Oddgeir to confirm the facts presented by Forconin.)

All in all, the healthcare service in the the oppressed countries are far better today then they were before they were forced to join the Norwegian Empire. And yet, a few of them has the balls to complain about not having as many hospitals as the old eNorway regions, while in fact, eNorway had all but 1 of these hospitals before the invasions started.

We still have a long way to go, and I rest assured that the new congress will keep up the good work and strengthen our empire.

Now I'm only left with one question, did the Norwegian Empire really hurt you as bad as you make it sound?