Health and how to care of it...

Day 150, 13:51 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease."

Yes he was right to say that... but it was so long time ago... I could bet 1:100 that if Voltaire lived today, he'd never say this...
The art of medicine is to have hospital in town... and if hospital and all pills are produced by 'Penis Enlargement-Nation/S-group', then it's even more important to have it...
This great company provides only the best quality products... Myself personally never heard from any of numerous customer of this company telling something like: "it's not enlarging" or "that's not gets better"... everywhere and everyone says: "it's just wonderful" or "my lady smiles three weeks in a row..."
Now on the market you can find one offer from 'Penis Enlargement-Nation/S-group', which just can't be missed... and the region which will take it, will become 'The Happiest Region' very soon... 😁)

Keep yourself healthy, quit smoking, keep smiling and think of the offer 😁)