Havocpwn for Wyoming

Day 1,066, 04:26 Published in USA USA by havocpwn

Of course you know that I'm havocpwn and I've been chosen by the federalist party to run for congress in Wyoming on election day on October 25th

my past and present
I've served in EZC since day 920, having many position such as; battle statistician, platoon leader, Executive Officers. I've also held a couple party jobs as well such as; Federalist Pony Express writer, Vice Dean of the now closed FEA, Dean of the FEA as well. Now onto my current jobs such as; Commanding Officer of EZC....yeah that's all

1 of the main things I believe needs to be repaired/fixed/recreated would be our new player base, we need to have for every 1 old player that leaves we need 4 new players joining the game or even more, all I'm saying is we need to reach out to new players not just the government not just political parties but ALL citizens. We must stand united it we wish to create a better erepublik! That's what I'm going to try to accomplish this term in congress! FOR AMERICA! FOR EREPUBLIK! FOR THE CITIZENS!

So far I like how the Taxes are but that's probably because I barely have to buy my own food and other stuff so that's basically means I'm okay with how the taxes are as of right now.

Military, hey I'm a militia man, so I'm all for more benefited military as long as it doesn't leave a negative impact on the normal citizens.

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' bout

my future holds
why should I be chosen, because I'm active,on erepublik and IRC every day for hours on end I WILL follow procedure and never stray from it, which are basic requirements or at least they should be. What else do you want to hear? I WILL raise the min. wage heh that ain't gonna happen I'm not going to give out any insane promises and then fall back on them, I ain't a sleazy man. BUT I will make 2 promises that if broken you can and probably will rant about me, I'm okay with that, because a promise is a promise


#1 I will be online DAILY.
#2 I will give concise voting records during the aforementioned dates.

Please vote for me, as well as any other Feds running, for the 35th Congress in October.
Thank you