Hassan on... Militias!

Day 1,120, 08:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
This is part of a "Hassan on..." series, whereby I will explain my opinions on the current topics of interest in the eUK.

So, I have noticed there has been a pretty large shitstorm regarding the creation of militias which are run independently of the national army. First Home Guard was created, now Camelot. Everyone has got involved in the conversation - which is a good thing; at least people are communicating and have differing opinions on how we can better our country. That is a great thing.

Now. When it comes down to it, these militias have been created. There is little we can do we stop their creation. People have their differences, and certain groups are not willing to work with others. We should not attempt to fix these divisions; frankly it has proved to be a waste of time. Nothing productive will come of it. What we should do is help these militias be as effective as they can be. Subsidise them if necessary. I plan to have discussions with the militias’ leaders in order to formulate some kind of suitable arrangement that would benefit both parties.

Of course as the CP of the eUK, my full support will always be behind the military. But it is quite clear that things are not all well in the military. If people are creating splinter groups away from the military, there is a reason for that. As such, myself and JvB will not shy away from the running of the military. We will actively work with the Military Commanders in order to help better it. When it comes down to it, the buck stops with me. The CP makes the big decisions and the CP takes responsibility for them. I have complete confidence in my judgement and am willing to make a stand and make the tough decisions. I have made tough decisions in the past and will make them again. We need a strong CP that will take control of the situation.

Hassan and JvB being hard men. JvB is of course Vinnie Jones

To summarise:

- Hassan likes discussion and debate
- Hassan will support militias in a reasonable way.
- Hassan loves the military and will make a huge effort to help improve it
- Hassan is a hard man and makes awesome decisions

Cheers bros,
Hassan Presstissimissito