Has ONE declared war on Denmark?

Day 1,465, 12:30 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

Not long ago Denmark was under a Political Take Over (PTO) from the master of cheating, Han Solo 8. This PTO of Denmark was fought by the Danes and in the end Han Solo 8 retreated into a background position.

For one month Denmark has been free from PTO. We have had control over the congress and have had a Danish President. It has been good times.
When we started fighting the former PTO we were contacted by some Serbs that wished to help us. They said they wanted to help Denmark become free and after becoming free, keep the freedom. Former Swedish President vouched for these Serbs (and told us they were from an ONE anti-PTO group) and therefore we decided to trust them, even though it was against our better judgment. You see, the people in question have once before tried to PTO Denmark. They were even on the Danish blacklist.
But as I said, Sweden told us they were here to help us and therefore Maine Coon and I (Flitwick) recommended the congress to approve citizenship to Wlada123 and Shomy Prevera.

Everything started out well, but suddenly it all turned into a nightmare. Power-hungry Shomy Prevera announced in a comment in an article, that he wanted to become the next President of Denmark. And he did this, even though we had very clearly told the Serbs that we wanted a Danish President and this means, a President that is a Dane in real life.
After Shomy Prevera started his backstabbing of the ones who trusted him, we had a very heated discussion. Shomy Prevera was told to back off. We would not recommend him as a coming President of Denmark and if he tried to run, we would consider this an attempt to PTO Denmark once again.
Shomy Prevera kept saying he just wanted to help Denmark, but he wanted the Precidency as payment for his help. He told us, that he would not help Denmark getting multi accounts banned (he helps us by using his friendly connections to Serbian moderators). We told him to get lost and leave the country.
He was no longer considered a part of the Danish Government (in which Maine Coon had asked him to be co-minister of foreign affairs). Maine Coon got hold of Kibla who was the leader of the anti-PTO group Shomy Prevera is a part of and very clearly stated, that we do not pay for help with the Presidency.
Kibla's response to this was, "Can you do me a favor and give CS to one of my friends?"

The ONE anti-PTO group has become a ONE PTO group. This group is very clearly doing everything in their power to take over Denmark. Lately around 100 new accounts have been created in Denmark and most of them have Serbian names or connections. Whether the new accounts are multies or just a coordinated creation of new accounts and getting them to level 17, I cannot know. I know for sure, that the accounts will never be banned even if they are multi accounts and therefore I now ask. Has ONE declared Denmark war?

ONE officials are trying to do a takeover of our country. This is the same as declaring war in my opinion. But I will give the ONE officials a chance to withdraw and give a public statement, that they will leave Denmark alone and let us have our country in peace. If this does not happen, we can only do what any country in our position would do, declare that we are no longer a neutral country. And beware, we will fight to the death. We love our country and we want it to be free and under Danish ruling.

Best Regards,
Vice-President of eDenmark