Haram Lotto Nr #2: Win 175 q7 with no stakes!

Day 1,979, 13:05 Published in France Cyprus by Dr. Packesel

Selamu alaykum, hello, s.a, a.s, salut, zdravo, citizens of erepublik.

You are reading it correctly. You, yes, you can win 175

What do you need to do? Well, actually nothing, but choosing a number between 1 and 30. You don't need to send me to CC, you don't need to sub my newspaper, you really just need to choose a number between 1 and 30 and then posting it under this article. I will then go to [url=http://www.random.org/random.org[/url] to generate the 3 winners.

1. Price: 100
2. Price: 50
3. Price: 25

Shout this article, so I can generate faster the 3 winners and you can get your price faster!