Happy Late Holidays.

Day 1,884, 15:47 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Chaotic Hizaku
My theme for this article is apologizing for inactivity recently.
Around the Holidays my mind got clouded by all the drama holidays bring and I forgot to keep up to date here in eJapan , and for that I am sorry. Though I cant vow that I will be able to fix it for awhile Ill do my best to be on and help out where ever I can.

In Other News~
It seems as if we haven't gained or lost any land in eJapan from when i was here before, which is like good and bad? I want to regain the center of eJapan thusly liberating our island nation. But at the same time, Im not sure how War works but it dosnt appear as if eROC is going, at least not yet.

Other Random stuff.
My brother SakiNight is adding parts of a Novel i am trying to write in with his news articles, I would also do that but hey~ anyway I figure if people wanted to know more about it maybe at the end of my articles I will add like a Q & A section or something, dunno yet gotta wait to see if it gets popular anyway constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.