Happy Ireland-Is-Dead Day!

Day 564, 17:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joachim von Bremen

Happy Ireland-is-Dead day, everybody!!!

How did we get here? How did we get to this glorious day? Let us begin with a prologue. Cast your minds back to the 8th December 2010 – a remarkable night. A crack team of Bremenite Serbs, led by myself, caused the first ever full wipe of Ireland. It was a beautiful sight – and most importantly, one that Ireland brought on itself by aggravating their big brothers, the UK, and generally being Irish. We tasted Irish tears and just couldn’t resist another crack at it – this time, though, it wouldn’t be a simple grab-the-opportunity-as-it-comes affair. This time, we would orchestrate the entire issue.

This was made difficult in early 2011 when the evil Jhorlin administration of the UK joined PANAM (later to be renamed Terra). The UK allied with such nations as the USA and Canada – and indirectly, Ireland, who joined EDEN soon after. Another full wipe of your murky brown island seemed an unlikely prospect. This mission would take a lot of effort.

We thus had to form a two-pronged attack – we had to cause chaos, mistrust and general disaster in this horrid land of Ireland while also forcing the UK out of Terra and putting our agents into UK command. Something of this scale could only be accomplished by the very best – fortunately, we are BCH, and we are the very best.

You know the story. We got 10 congressmen across 3 months, forced you to near-wipe yourselves just to stop us getting more, got Mike Bane fired as Vice-President, got Digits to quit as President, convinced you not to impeach him after he quit, forced Marcus to be elected as President, breached your congress twice, forced you to remove congress access from the entire government to find a spy, and caused a whole host of scandalds, ragequits, tears and drunken sorrows. In short, we brought out everything that is Irish about the Irish – the most destructive thing we could have done.

Meanwhile, we had both congresses repeatedly attempt to NE eachother – knowing that eventually it would result in war. This inevitably worked, and we had Ireland attacking the UK (losing 2 MPPs twice in the process – nice one!). You went bankrupt several times over, and scared off your only two decent tanks by being so almightily… Irish.

We knew our plans had really came together when leading a BCHer, jamesw, was re-elected as UK CP. We knew he would have no remorse, and would not compromise. It was time to see Ireland die (and hopefully never come back again).

So that brings us to where we are today. Ireland gone, completely occupied by the UK (where it always belonged). The Irish disease has finally been wiped from the planet and all other nations may sleep sound tonight, safe in the knowledge that they cannot be infected. We’ve sterilised mankind, we’ve done the impossible, we’ve accomplished our 4-month-old dreams.

Who can I thank? Well, of course there’s my other BCH members – you know who you are. You all did a great job, all in different ways. Without you all and your wonderful skill-sets, this couldn’t have happened. My heartfelt thanks go to all those who took the plunge and took Irish citizenship – this really was the ultimate sacrifice. I felt horrible doing it myself, but I think we can agree it was all worth it, for the good of mankind. So thank you Rastari, Gonzo, Orangejuicemm Maddog, Tomazim, Hard Logic, Gav Miller, Chance Harrison, Sterling, Othere, Indiekid, PP, Goku Jones, Makedonec3, Mktifo, Haughenator and Llort. Then there’s of course our divisions who stayed at home and led the UK-side of things. The congressmen who proposed NE’s, the men and women who called for Irish destruction – you all embody the Bremenite spirit, and shall live long in the eRepublik halls of fame. Jamesw in particular, thank you.

We should also thank Macedonia. Just like Serbia in December, they’ve played a great political and military role in bringing Ireland down – even sending two of their own kind over here to assist as citizens.

Most of all, I would like to thank you Irish, yourselves. You never failed to bite our bait, you never failed to humiliate yourselves, and you bullied every voice of sense you ever had out of your country. Without OJ, we wouldn’t even have had Maddog join right at the start of all this. You made this mission an absolute pleasure. I almost want to stay so we can see more of this.

Oh dear, I’m hearing the ‘your speech is going on too long’ music playing. Is it so soon, already? Well okay then. I’ll end on a warning:

Learn from your mistakes, Ireland. Everything we did to you, we did because you deserved it. BCH is a noble force; it is the channel of Karma in eRepublik. You stepped out of line, and we tore your feet off because of it. If there is a hint of a ‘return to the old ways’ for Ireland, we will be straight back over. We will hunt, we will find, and we will, once more, destroy.

Now, BCH will be on their way back to the beautiful motherland (she appears to be much bigger than when we left her!). But don’t worry – we’ve left something for you to remember us by. The Key of Bremen will once more hang imposingly over this island.

Until then, consider this case closed, and firmly locked.