Happy Hanukkah!

Day 1,491, 22:37 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

I would like to wish my Jewish friends a very Happy and blessed Hanukkah. As many of you may know, I myself have Jewish heritage. I even have a Hebrew name that I was blessed with in the Temple. It is Nisan, which means miracle, just as this festival of lights was a miracle to our people.

May the light of Hanukkah shine forever. For a long time our people were exiled from our rightful homeland. May eTurkey or anyone else who wishes to occupy the brave people of eIsrael know that they will always fail, for the Jewish people have faced great persecution countless times in history, and we are still here.

I am proud that the New Conservative Party is the destination of choice for the majority of eIsrael expatriates in eRepublik. You know that I will always stand with you, because I am one of you.
