Happy Halloween (updated holidays up to New Year 2011) - Day 6

Day 1,076, 17:51 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

...Maybe it'd be a good idea to leave the light on this on this chilly Halloween night.

Not much to say, though much is being discussed in Congress. You see, I haven't read much of it yet... *cough, cough* Anyway~~! Just wanted to post an article for the holiday. Hope you all had fun at parties or whatever you do for Halloween.

We elected rainysunday as the new Speaker of the House and who knew she'd come with such a robust... cast? Her Co-DSoHs are SGGHays and Haliman; not only that, but there are two Whips: Glove and Athanaric.

Day 3:

1. Donation
A. Unfortunately, we weren't supposed to do any donations until after the Declaration of War ended and then donate the Gold, but apparently someone missed that. Still, not going to waste a 24 hour period by voting down the transfer of over 40k USD.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Buy Constructions: Hospital
A. Another hospital for Qinghai. See last article if you're confused as to why.
B. Voted Yes.

3. Issue Money
A. Looks like they're making lemonade out of lemons; with all that gold in the treasury, it was the perfect time to issue money, money that, as it turns out, we need, as we're low on it. Being low on USD is typically a good thing, though, as it usually means the government has successfully sold enough gold on the monetary market to make a profit and now we can issue more money to sell even more gold at a profit. It's a profit because we can issue money at a rate of 0.005 gold per USD and we typically sell it at around 0.021 gold per USD, also known as the monetary peg or simply "the peg." I know there are offers on the market as low as 0.020 gold per USD, but I don't think the government sells it quite that low at the moment. Even if it did, it'd still be a four-fold profit.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 4:

1. Alliance
A. Checked the forums and President Lantrip asked us to approve this; considering he's the one who proposed it, you'd think it'd be common sense that he'd like us to approve it, but after the Qinghai hospital near-incident earlier this term, you can never be too careful. Always nice to hear from the administration about MPPs anyhow. In related news, I hear eAus has fought back the eIndo PTO.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Trading Embargo
A. Another trade embargo against eHungary; seems all right.
B. Voted Yes.

3. Donation
A. The remaining gold from earlier, now being moved out of the treasury safely.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 5:

1. Alliance
A. Finland's on the list for October; this was renewed early though at Finland's request, to move gold out of the Treasury before losing a region.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Donation
A. Ideally, we should've been moving the USD issued with the Issue Money proposal out, once the Issue Money proposal passed and the USD was put in the Treasury. Ah well. Seems we have to remind Congress every term to wait for an Issue Money proposal to pass then transfer the maximum amount of USD out ASAP.
B. Voted Yes.

3. Trading Embargo
A. We sure like trade embargos against our enemies in this eCountry, huh?
B. Voted Yes.

4. Alliance
A. Romania's on the list for October and remains one of our biggest allies.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 6:

1. Donation
A. The maximum amount of USD available to transfer; the next donation should be the same.
B. Voted Yes.

Happy Halloween!

And a Happy Thanksgiving, while I'm at it!

And a very Merry Christmas to all!

Happy New Year! Now you're covered into 2011. 🙂

Trick or Treat, eAmerica,
~Katherine "Astra" Gallagher