Happy Birthday to Me

Day 4,212, 08:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello all.

It has been so long since I last wrote a newspaper article. Years in fact. But it is possible for me to go that long between articles since on the 30th of May I have been playing this game for 10 years. A whole decade. That is a long time to play one game.

In that time I have met so many interesting people. People from all over the world. It has been an exciting journey. Many of these people I consider friends. Friends even though I have never met them in real life.

Lately I have been only lurking in the background. Not really participating like I used to. When I say lately I mean about two years. I started on a path to getting a new career. I can now say that I have succeeded and have been hired as a classroom teacher. It has been a very busy time with a lot of extra work and learning on the job. I could not spare the time to playing at the level that I used to so I fell back and let others do the heavy lifting for eIreland.

I will still play. Still lurk around the edges. Maybe if I get the time I will come back to play more fully.

You never know what will happen.

Anthony Colby