Day 793, 11:28 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

On January 23rd, at 7PM in Harrogate, England a sweet little baby, who would later become an amazing man, was born. That man is Boethiah. Since it's customary to embarrass people on their birthday in America and because I can't take him to a restaurant and have waiters sing to him in front of everyone, I'm going to write good things about him. Which usually makes him blush. Heehee.

Ladies: You know when you read romance novels and watch romantic movies and you wish that guys like that really existed but you realize that of course, they are just words that someone wrote and just part of a script that someone is acting out. You snap back into reality and think "Well, at least I have books and movies." I used to think that too...until I got to know Boethiah.

Boethiah truly is an incredible man. It's like he stepped out of the most romantic novel or leaped off the screen of the most romantic movie ever made. He has the purest heart and the purest soul of anyone I have ever known. He is selfless, kind, honest, and loyal.

He has been through hardships in his life and has faced them with courage and strength.

He believes that every creature in this world matters and should be loved and cared for.

So far, in the months that I have known him, he has saved my friend's life, been there for me through one of the most difficult times in my life, and has had many sleepless nights to make sure I was okay.

Boethiah is selfless and humble, and even these kind words could never do him justice.

Boethiah, you are my soulmate, my best friend, my boyfriend, and the greatest love of my life.

Happy Birthday mi amor. Te amo con todo mi corazón y alma.

I was just informed by Boethiah that it's Atracurium birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Atracurium!